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This book is literally dedicated to the people who made me cry at 3am. Look what they've achieved! they made me write this damn book  and had a oneshot written about  them at some point.

Last Edited : 4th of January 2020
Originally published : August 2016
Proofread: August 6 2019

Hello there my lovelies!! I am Hannah, known as Stephanie to longtime readers, author chan or author nim to most, any name would do!

Right so this is just an introduction that explains stuff about what to expect, some guidlines as well as acronyms used throughout this book.

Read this whole part very carefully. Do not skip this.

1. Updates/ One shots

 - I can take a long time to update but I'll try update regularly as best as I can. But if I ever post a mini series, it would be helpful if you let me know that you want more of it.

- Obviously, if I take a while to update then that means I'm really busy. I am still a student so studying is also a priority. As a result, some one-shots may be very short compared to others but I will try my best to make them longer.

- The first few one-shots in this book might have many grammar mistakes or bad writing quality. The plot may even be bad. I was only 11 when I started writing this book but over time my writing has developed. The first few one-shots are absolute cringe, therefore, I advise you skip a few.

- Harsh profanity is casually used in this book so if you are sensitive to that then this book may not be your cup of tea.

- I rarely write lemons (sex) . I throw in some lime (sex but it's not as intense as a lemon) here and there but it will mainly be fluff. If you want me to write a lemon then be sure to comment.

- Authors notes (A/n) are usually written in Bold throughout the book. Flashback scenes or emphasis are in italics. The emphasis during flashbacks will be in underline.


-Spam the comment section! I love when you guys comment a lot. I will most likely reply to them.

- If I really like your comment a lot, it's going in my "comment appreciation" part of my book.

- Hate comments towards other readers will not be tolerated and the comment shall be immediately deleted. 

- This book is a way for me to test out new techniques to write and improve. So comments based on how my one-shots are and ways I can phrase things differently is deeply appreciated.

3. Accuracy

 Please do not comment on things along the lines of "Oh my crush doesn't even do this!"
It sometimes gets really demotivating and frustrating when I have to read these kind of comments. Every person is different. Hence some other reader's crush might like something your crush might not. So I am very sorry that I can't get the accuracy of you or your crush down perfectly. But please take into account that another reader might relate to an element in the one shots that you might not relate to.

4. Pronouns/ LGBT+ stuff?

 Over the years I have gotten comments saying how some reader's crushes are actually other genders apart from male.
Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about it in this particular book.

I do plan to make a similar variation of this book with different pronouns but as of now, I haven't done it yet.

So I apologize to any LGBT+ members, I will mainly be using he/his pronouns. You can continue on to reading my book by changing the pronouns in your mind if you want.

3. Do not copy my work.

Pretty straight forward. Do not copy or translate my book unless you have personally asked me and I have granted permission.


Well, you should know the drill if you have read any other crush x reader book but if you don't, here are the common keys used.

Y/n - your name

C/n - crush's name

 R/v- rival's name 

B/f/n - best friend's name

 C/b/f/n - crush's best friend's name

Y/a - your age

 C/C - celebrity crush 

O/C/n - Old Crush's name

Y/e/c = Your eye colour
Y/h/c = your hair colour
C/e/c= Crush's eye colour
C/h/c = Crush's hair colour

Any other keys I haven't mentioned here will be mentioned before the one shots start during opening A/n's.

If you wanna get more information or be involved in the making of my oneshots,  personally message me or leave request in this book in the part titles "A few questions".

Instagram (plz follow):

 - mxgnchen (Main account)

- elsysianstudiess (studygram account) (it may say my name is Morgan but that's just because I go by they/them pronouns and I haven't established that yet in my Wattpad) 


- Alex (or Alice as initially mentioned/referred to in this book. They are no longer editor.)

 -  Doctor_Strangle  /Taylor is the current editor and is randomly seen in the comments correcting grammar. Please do not think she is a grammar Nazi XD .

I hope you all enjoy reading this book and like it! 

- Hannah Alagano (H.A)

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