Why are you single?

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Thank you to that girl person who called me out for being some loner and proceeds to ask :

"Hannah you're like the only person who hasn't got a boYfRiEnD. whY doNt yOu hAvE onE"

I hope the thought process in this oneshot answers your question.


Last class finishes at last. The bell rings marking the last period over.  You and B/f/n  rush out the building to finally be free of that prison of a school.

"Aw my boyfriend is coming over today! I'm so excited!"

Your head twists to b/f/n, a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

"How come you aren't studying for the upcoming Christmas exams?" You respond, eyebrows knitting together "They're literally next week and here you are going to have some make out session,"

A chuckles escapes B/f/n's lips, like she found your comment amusing.

"Oh Y/n you're no fun! The exams don't matter." B/f/n exclaims as she glances down at her phone. "You just don't know what fun it is to have a boyfriend!"

You roll your eyes at the comment. Getting a boyfriend never really struck to you as a huge deal. After all, with your parents at your ear reciting 'no boyfriend until you get a job!' every two seconds you wanted to focus on your studies.

Books matter more than people who can screw you up anyway.

(No not that kind of screwing, the heartbreaking kind)

"You know I don't really get it y/n" B/f/n wonders, trailing her orbs to your y/e/c ones "You're really pretty and yet you're one of few people in our year/grade who isn't in a relationship. Why are even still single?"

"No I'm not pretty" was the first thing that came into mind when b/f/n asked that.

Your lips press to a firm line as you look away from her.

"If only she knew, that I'm scared" you think to yourself "If only she knew that I'm scared for the future. I'm scared to love. I'm scared to hurt. I'm scared to give my love to the wrong person again."

Your mind skips to one particular person in your mind, that person being C/n.

It has been at least a year since you've stopped caring. C/n, your ex boyfriend was the last person you loved, put your trust into and would die for. But after he left, that's when you began to realise that people only really do care about themselves.

He was your first love, everytime he did something that did hurt you inside you brushed it off. That was out of sheer love. But the more chances you gave, the more you did not realise you were giving away your love too. And when it finally ran out, there was nothing.

You gave him the last of your love that it felt like there was barely any left to love yourself.

The thing about loving is that it decorates itself to look like some fragment of thrill. In reality, it is just pain.

C/n broke me. That's why.

"Y/n are you alright?"

You snap out of your trance to see B/f/n standing right in front of you. You hadn't realised you were crying until b/f/n starts to dab a tissue onto your cheeks.

"I'm sorry Y/n I shouldn't have mentioned that. I forgot love was a sensitive thing to talk about,"

You grab the tissue and vigorously wipe your eyes before stuffing it down your pocket.

"It's okay, I'll be fine. Anyways I have to go study... Have fun with you boyfriend."

With that, you set off for home. You tried not to think about it. However, sometimes it was hard not to dwell, how painful those memories in the back of your mind were.


Updates are going to be a bit slower than usual since I've got a lot of exams smh. Plz bear with me.

It's 12:31am and I'm a mess.
Until the next update


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