Chapter 63:Taking a Friend's Advice

Start from the beginning

"Well you on't have to worry about that. I'm okay and I have just been busy. Plus, I'm not the most expressive with these things."I say

Then I get an idea. I have found his soul pieces in other AUs. Maybe if I go and get them before they can be used, that will make him happier. 

I smile at this thought and we talk for a few moments over the phone. Goth told me of his nightmares and how everyone missed me. Especially Reaper from what he says. My soul got filled with hope. Maybe there's a chance for us to get along again. Then I hear someone from around the corner of the street that the payphone post was at. I recognize it. It's Reaper's.

"Ya, he sucks. Don't get why I stuck around that idiot. Should've just dealt with death and move on. I would've rathered that much more."He says

I'm silent. 

"Geno? You okay?"Goth asks

"I'll see you around....or I won't. Stay safe kid."I say

"Geno! Don't-!"He says

I hang up. 

I sneak up to the corner of the building and listen in.

"He's so stupid! So clueless! And you can forget about it when he's in a bad mood, such a selfish jerk. He shouldn't even be around! Why'd I even become his friend or get stuck around him?"Reaper's voice says

I peek around the corner. He was talking on the phone, hovering across the ground. He shuffles and takes out a flower crown. My flower crown.

"I wish I never met him!"He says, slamming it to ground

I watch in silence. I tense. My soul sank.

"Oh, then there's the kids! From the alternate timeline! They just are a reminder of what I don't want! A nightmare! Ugh, I feel so bad for that other me."He says, dropping the flower crown Shino made for him

Then he sliced both flower crowns in half with his scythe. I know how hard Shino worked on those and if she saw this, she'd be broken. His actions are crossing a line. It's bad enough he is hurting me, but Shino doesn't deserve it. I step around the corner. I glare at him. He sees me.

"Missed me, huh? Those broken flower crowns and what you just said seem more like good riddance to you! Good luck explaining those to Shino!"I snap

"Geno! Wait, I-!"Reaper says, dropping his phone

"I get it, Reaper! I get it! I heard every word you said and I get it! You're sick of dealing with me! So you know what? I'll go!"I say

"Geno!"He yells

"Maybe then I won't be some idiot you're stuck with! And to think I thought you were dead! You have no clue what that was like! But I guess you wouldn't care! Because I'm some idiot you're sick of! What a great joke to pull on the idiot, huh? Haha, so funny! I regretted the moment I left you because I thought if I stayed with you, you wouldn't have died. But clearly that wasn't the case. Maybe this time you will, I don't care. Maybe I will, I don't care. I'm just done with all this pain."I snap, feeling tears go down my face

"Geno...You don't understand!"Reaper says

I open a portal.

"Don't lie to me, Reaper. Especially when not understanding things is your specialty. Tell everyone I said hi."I say, then step through

I shut the portal and the moment I did that, a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. Nobody assigned you to be their guardian. You deserve to feel as safe and happy as they are. Yes, Cross is right. His advice is what I should take, not this pain. Get a fresh start. I know exactly where to go to find that. I look around and open another portal. I go through it and I'm at my save screen. I do some things with code and create a list of AUs that don't have a Geno but the timeline would allow. There were over 4,000. I take the vial out and sip it. I black out moments later. 

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