Chapter 15

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From my kneeling position on the roof top's edge of the opposite building. I watch the warehouse for any signs of life.

The message I received earlier was GPS coordinations that lead me to this dump.

From the outside it looks like any other abandoned warehouse. The old doors peeling of green paint, the walls graffitied and the broken windows boarded up with rotten wood planks.

Hearing a crunch of gravel alerts me of someone coming up behide me

Moving my hand up to my quiver, another footstep hits the gravel, I spin around releasing off a shot into the darkness.

"Hey easy it's only me" a deep voice states walking towards me, his hand holding the shaft of my arrow.

"Lexus." lowering my aim I look back towards the warehouse. "How did you find this place? " I ask keeping my temper cool.

"After what happened at the club and the bad intel Daylan asked me to follow another lead which lead me to a runner of Scar. He lead me to this dump." he tells me handing back my arrow

"Any movement?"

"I saw a Suv in pull about 30 minutes ago. Where is Daylan and Branson?" he asks through puffs of his newly lit smoke.

"Not here." I snap frustrated at both of them.

They going to be so pissed when they realize that I'm gone but I'll have to deal with their angry later. For now all I care about is saving Mariel and Michael.

"Ready?" he asks killing the smoke with his heel.

"Let's go." standing up I jump off the roof flipping around twice before a land silently on the balls of my feet.

Lexus following close behind me.

Rounding the side of the warehouse, we enter through one of the broken windows that have no barricades.

The musty smell of dirt and grime fill the air. The only light source coming through the cracks within the roof and barricaded windows throwing strips of moonlight into the ancient building.

Staying close to the walls we slowly make our move forward. The ground floor we entered seems to be a covered with heavy equipment, the metal rusted and broken.

"What is this place" I ask searching the floor, my senses on high alert.

"It looks like a old canning factory, I think." he says

Stopping behind one of the equipment I spot only two men one with a mop of curls and the other blonde and skinny. Standing by a trash can fire which lays next large door that looks like a loading dock for trucks. Their attention on the blondes one's phone laughing hard at some video.

Aiming my arrow it flys quietly through the air hitting the blonde straight in the chest two seconds later the other is down with the same wound.

Signing to Lexus I point up towards the second floor. With his revolver at the ready we slowing move up the beaten banister, the draw string digging into my glove covered fingers.

The next level seems to be a sort of office over looking the ground floor through massive windows. Two desk sit side by side on the left side and tarped boxes sit on the right.

A thick layer of dust is settled onto everything in sight giving the place an atmosphere of being untouched for years, unlike the ground floor where the dust has been regularly disturbed.

"Something is wrong it's too quiet, where's all the guards?" I whisper.

"I don't know. "

Scaning around the room I finally see Mariel amongst the tarped boxes. She's a lump of limps bound by thick ropes and her back towards us.

Slipping out for my hiding stop in the shadows after making sure the room is clear, I rush to her side. The breathe I have been holding since I found the picture is released when I feel a steady pulse under my finger tips.

"Mariel." Gently shaking her, a wave of relief floods when her eyes open.

"Ariel what... What happen?" her groggy voice asks

"Shh I'm gonna get you out. " I promise her cutting off the ropes with my dragger.

She looks behind me. Her eyes poping wide "Arielle watch out!" Mariel yells. I try to grab my bow that lies at my feet but it's too late.

Something heavy is smashed against my head and everything goes black as I fall to the ground.

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