Chapter 12

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That's my first thought as I wake up. Stretching my arms out for the sheets, well I try to anyway. One comes free but the other doesn't make it more than an inch before it hits something heavy.

What the hell?

Peaking one eye open they spy the problem, a heavy tattooed arm lazily slung over my waist holding my arm against me. Trying to break my sleep I feel my legs intertwined in a mass of limbs, following the arm up over my shoulder I see a sleeping Michael. His steady breathing hitting the back of my neck.

The nights memories filling the hazy sleep blanks.

The kiss on the deck. Oh God that kiss! We did more than kiss. Hiding my red face in the pillow, I bite it trying not to scream. What have I done???

Oh whom am I kidding, I'm completely and utterly happy last night happen but at the same time a flicker of doubt floats across my mind.

"Please don't be a dream. " whispers Mich. His arm tightens around my waist pulling me closer to him, nuzzling my neck as he starts to wake up.

I try to brush off the doubt, to stay in this moment a little while longer. To not overthink what will happen when reality shows its ugly face

"Mich" my eyes close on their own accord.

"Stop overthinking it, it's to early for your brain to be in overload baby"

Butterflies take up in a frezzes. Wiggling around I turn to face him both our faces only a breathe apart.

"Good Morning." his voice husky in the early morning.

"Hi." I say back.

"How did you sleep?" he asks, giving me one of his rare smiles that makes both dimples pop.

I think about it for a moment and I'm surprised that for the first time in a very long time. I actually slept soundly without waking up in a pool of sweat or screaming awake from the nightmares that haunt me.

"Like a baby." I answer smiling like a fool, moving onto my back I'm finally able to stretch. My bones clicking away as I pull my muscles to their limits. My eyes closing as I relax back into the soft mattress.

After a few peaceful moments, I open my eyes and glance over to find Michael staring at me. His hand supporting his head as he lays on his side, tracing lazy circles on my stomach.

"Why do people call you Shadow?"

Turning back to my side, I knew eventually one of them would catch onto it and ask sooner or later.

Well I guess it's time. Finding my voice I look at his grey eyes for comfort. "After I woke up. I had to disappear, to hide, to became a shadow in the night. And when I started to work with the guys hiding in shadows became second nature to me. No one knows I'm there until I want them to and most never know I am until it is too late. Branson was the one to give me the nickname and I guess it stuck with me and everyone else because I've been called Shadow since."

But before he says anything I continue.

"Some days hearing that name makes me cringe though. Not because I dislike the name but it reminds me of what I have had to became, what I have loss to became her. But Shadow is a very important part of who I am today and I wouldn't change it." my voice dips at the end giving away my pain. I have never said all of that aloud before but saying it to him feels right somehow.

I watch Mich through the stands of hair that has fallen over my eye.

"I think Shadow suits you, It shows how strong you are too." moving the hair out my face. He kisses my forehead making my blush.

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