Q&A, about anything really!

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Hewo fwends! It's ya girl, Mochi~! (Asumi) And you know what? I decided, let's jump right BACK into this whole Wattpad career thing with a Q&A, because I have literally no idea what to do with my life ;-;

Well, request away >:c what are you waiting for??

Question ideas!

-Where the frick have you been (I'm sorryyyy)

-Why aren't you active. SUPPORT PLEASE (I'm sorryyyy)

-When are new chapters coming out? (I'm SORRYYYY)

Xd, and things like that! Enjoy squiddos! And on top of that, I'm going to be writing a ton of chapters for like, all my books as fast as I can possibly go! Yay!! :DD


Bye guys! (For now... >:3) <3

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