231 3 7

So, just by looking at this book, you can see, we've hit 2 k reads!!! SC-REEEEEEEEE! (Don't sue me XXXX, I know you say this all the time but I want to as well) 

IM SO HAPPY!!!! It happened like overnight! I'm s h o o k. Thank you guys so much! I never realized this was going to become what it is now :3 

So... Onto the most torturous part of this entire thing. This is officially a challenge for me. Request WHATEVER you want (no lemons though because my parents would kill me. Upon finding out what it is, I assure you, if any one of them found out it would be a nightmare. So request ANY ships, reader x can be included to, request HOWEVER many you want! Until this date that I post below: 


The challenge I must do is to complete all of them, within a month hopefully, so the pressures on! Why do I do this to myself...? ;-; 


Bye! See ya on the flip side! -Mochi/Asumi

Ps. Join the yeet nation on roblox. It's a fabulous group. Y E E T!

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