Book III Details regarding The Rise of Skywalker

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The Rise of Skywalker...I loved it! As Stan Lee would put it, "'Nuff said."

Anyway, I'm writing this to talk about what happens in Book III regarding Episode IX. Major Spoilers by the way, see the movie and come back if you need to.

Are you good?

Last warning

Ok here we go...

Jacen Skywalker and the Return of Emperor Palpatine

The dead speak! Oh are we not there yet? Okay...

Jacen will come face to face with Palpatine in wether he's fighting against him, or having visions of him, but only time will tell. Also, we haven't seen Palpatine's broadcast at all, but unless the comics or "Star Wars Resistance" bring it to us, then I'll have to make it from scratch.

UPDATE: So I just found out they put Palpatine's broadcast not in the movie, but in Fortnite! FORTNITE!!!! At least my creativity cells can have a break, never thought I'd say this but...thanks Fortnite.

The War Chronicles

The Rise of Skywalker will take place like ten minutes after the end of TWC, we still have to save Poe damn it!

Jacen and Rey

Much like The War Chronicles, their friendship is going to be put to the test. Considering the revelation of her lineage...


I'm going to hopefully give you guys as much Jacen/Kara content as I can. Its like Luke and Mara Jade, and Steve and Bucky combined.

Ben Solo

In this alternate universe, Jacen and Kylo are the Thor and Loki of the Star Wars Universe, I cant wait to see what plans I have for them when they come face to face again.

The Chosen One Prophecy

"Rey, restore the balance like I did before." -Anakin Skywalker

That may not be accurate to what he said, but man did I get chills hearing Anakins voice again. Hopefully that's something that will come into play. Hopefully I can respect it as much as I can. Also, expect some scenes with Anakin in them.

Finn, Poe, and the Resistance

Finn and Poe weren't in Book II much, I even thought about rewriting it to have them go with Jacen to Tatooine but I wasn't sure. I am happily announcing that they will have plenty of page time in Book III. Also Finn will talk to Jacen about something that has been hinted at in the movie.

A New Enemy

Jacen will fight against a new enemy, and it's going to tear him apart. I'm not saying who it is, I hate spoilers.

Changing Things From the Film

There will be some stuff that will hopefully not affect the story too much. Rey destroying the TIE Fighter and piloting Luke's ship, that will be changed since I screwed that up in Book II. Lol. Also, I'm thinking about having Rey build her new lightsaber earlier for the final fight, to help the characters stand out more.

Familiar Faces

There will be some surprise characters from the saga, wether it's in the story, or even a flashback, I won't say how many, or who they are, but hey, it's Star Wars!


Last time Leia heard about Jacen, he was in a coma for four months, he's pretty much the only family she has left so I might put their mother/son figure bonding to good use.

The Ending

I'm not going to deep into it, but I've been playing with this idea in my head, but we'll see if the idea sees the light of day.

Alright, I guess that's it. Perhaps I may have said too much but I hope not. I'm already working on the draft for Chapter I as we speak, but I might have to wait until I can either watch the full movie online like I did with Book II or wait until the DVD/Blu-Ray release like with Book I. Only time will tell I guess. Okay, until next time ladies and gentlemen, May the Force be with you...

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