Chapter XII: Mos Eisley Pursuit

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"Jacen Skywalker is ordered to be taken to the Supreme Leader." Said the small blue image of General Hux on the hololink.

"I understand General." Said Captain Phasma, leader of the squadron of Stormtroopers searching for Skywalker as the blue aura of the holographic image of Hux reflected over her chrome armor.

"He is considered armed and dangerous." Said Hux. "Do not disappoint me again, Captain." Hux threatened as the holographic image fades away as the back door of the First Order transport ship folds down as Phasma steps onto the sand hills of Tatooine, followed by an army of First Order stormtroopers.

"The Supreme Leader wants Skywalker alive. Wound him if you must." Said Phasma, as she walks across the sandy ground, with her cape flowing behind her as her army follows her, ready to hunt down Skywalker.

Mos Eisley Spaceport, never has there been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Jacen walks through the buildings of the Spaceport as he sees a collection of creatures from around the galaxy. Wether you're a Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, or even just a traveler, you always have to watch your back. Jacen spent ten years of his life on the desert planet of Jakku watching over Rey, but he didn't think he'd find his mother on the desert planet of Tatooine. He sees a Bounty Hunter carrying a blaster, wearing red armor all over his body, with a black helmet with a red visor and metallic red horns on each side of his mask, walking past him as he was ready for a mission. There's also a crowd of gamblers around a flat box being stepped on by small creatures fighting each other to the death as the gamblers throw in their bets on the box, betting on which small creature will win. But what caught Jacen's interest was a goblin like creature with tentacles for arms, being arrested by a human like spider creature, with a red body and blue limbs, with three eyes on each side, forming a trianglular shape. Jacen then spots a cantina nearby, hoping to get something to keep him hydrated during his search. He walks through the door and sees an indoor cantina with a band playing music on stage. Jacen finds a bar where he could get a drink, as he takes a seat, signaling the bartender.

"Water please." Said Jacen, as the bartender goes to find a drink, suddenly an Aqualish, a walrus like creature with two buck sharp teeth from the top of his lips tapped on Jacen's shoulder with his cybernetic arm as he screams in his alien language. Then another human with a bent nose, a blind eye and scarred features on his face, and grey crazy hair grabbed Jacen by the shoulder.

"He doesn't like you." He said.

"Sorry." Said Jacen as the scarred being grabs his shoulder again.

"I don't like you either." He said. "You just watch yourself, I have a death sentence among seventeen systems." He threatened, as Jacen folds open the waist part of his robe, revealing two lightsaber hilts as the scarred being started stepping back, grabbing his friend with him, as if they've been through a similar situation.

"I think it's best if you walk away before I take your friend's good arm." Said Jacen, as they walk away, talking to each other. ("We've lost enough limbs already pal." Said Dr. Evazan, as Ponda Baba starts shaking his head after staring at his cybernetic arm, as they walk out of the Cantina.) The bartender then places a cup of water, as Jacen grabs it and takes a sip.

"You sure showed those guys." Said the bartender, who had a white beard and two yellow antennas sticking out of his head. "What are you a Jedi or something?" He asked.

"Some walk the path of the Light, others walk the path of the Dark, I meet somewhere in the middle." Said Jacen as he takes another sip.

"Yeah, I think I met one back on Courascant once." He said. "I used to sell death sticks, I offered him some and he told me to go home and rethink my life. Somehow I did just that." Said the bartender, looking dazed and confused, but then focused on his words again. "Now here I am. Bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina, bit of a rough start, but I get my fair share." He said, as he hands another person another drink. "When I used to smoke them, I was on my starship, and I tripped so hard, I thought I saw yellow words floating through space. Crazy right?"

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