Chapter XI: Balance

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Rey follows Luke into a dark cave inside the mountain. They walk up the small steps and see the sunlight lit across the cave. The cave was then exited with the edge of the mountain, As Rey looks at a seal covered in a pool of water, it had a creature holding a lightsaber where one side of him was light, and the other side was dark. A drop of water fell from the top of the cave as it drips on to the water, creating ripples around it. She then sees Luke looking out at the ledge, next to a giant stone.

"Master Skywalker, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the Dark Side of the Force." Said Rey, as Luke stood over the edge of the mountain. "Without the Jedi, we won't stand a chance against him."

"What do you know about the Force?" Asked Luke, holding a long leaf behind his back.

"It's a Power that the Jedi have that controls people...and...make things...float." Rey answered.

"Impressive, every word in that sentence was wrong." Said Luke as he points to the giant stone. "Sit here, legs crossed." Said Luke as Rey walks toward the stone as she sits on it with her legs crossed. "The Force isn't a power you have, it's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things. The tension, the balance that binds the Universe together."

"Ok...But what is it?" Asked Rey.

"Close your eyes." Said Luke, as Rey does exactly what he said. " reach out." Said Luke as Rey reaches her hand out, not what Luke meant exactly. Luke then takes his giant leaf and starts tickling the leaf onto Rey's hand.

"I felt something!" Rey exclaimed with her eyes closed, not seeing a thing.

"You feel that? That's the Force." Said Luke, as he kept tickling it. "You must be really strong with it."

"Wow I never felt like- Ow!" Rey screamed, as Luke hits her hand with the leaf. "Oh, you meant reach out like...I'll try again." Said Rey as Luke throws the leaf into the sea. Rey closes her eyes again, as Luke places her hand on the stone.

"Just breathe." Said Luke as Rey takes a deep breath and concentrates. "Reach out with your feelings." Said Luke as Rey starts seeing things. "What do you see?"asked Luke, as Rey saw images of things, good and bad. She started describing everything she saw and everything that she sensed.

"The and decay, that feeds new life." Rey described, as she senses more of what happens in the island. "Warm...cold...peace...violence."

"In between it all." Said Luke.

"Balance, energy...a Force." Said Rey.

"And inside you?" Asked Luke.

"Inside me...that same Force." Rey answered.

"And this is the lesson." Said Luke. "That Force does not belong to the Jedi, to say that the Jedi died, the light dies. It's vanity, can you feel that?" Luke asked as Rey starts feeling something, she felt cold.

"There's something else, beneath the island." Said Rey. "There is a place, a dark place." Rey described, as she sees a hole with darkness spreading around it, and it was near the ocean.

"Balance. Powerful light, powerful darkness." Luke answered, not knowing what she's talking about.

"It's cold." She said as she sees that she's closer to the Dark hole. "It's calling me!" Said Rey, as Luke sees the ground crack before them, the small pebbles around Rey's hands begin to rise from the ground, and the mountain started having an avalanche as boulders started falling down.

"Resist it Rey!" Yelled Luke, trying to get her to stop concentrating. "Rey!" Luke yelled again, as Rey was now sensing the dark hole calling her, as a spray of water shoots out of it, feeling sprayed by the water, she falls to the stone, gasping for air. "You went straight to the dark." Said Luke, scared of what happened around him, as Rey held on to the stone for support.

"That place was trying to show me something." Said Rey, exhausted from the vision.

"It offers something you needed, and you didn't even try to stop yourself." Said Luke, as he walks back toward the cave.

"I didn't see you. Nothing from you." Said Rey, as Luke stops walking to the cave, as Rey starts sensing something about him. "You've closed yourself off from the Force." She said, as Luke slowly turns to her.

"I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo." Said Luke. "It didn't scare me enough then...It does now." Said Luke as he walks into the cave, dismissing the lesson as Rey watches him leave, thinking that Luke compared her to Kylo Ren. Just how powerful is she? Luke walks down the steps of the cave, only thinking one option, he must bridge his mind with someone he trusts, he had to commune with his Son.

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II: The Last JediHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin