Book III Details

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Last time I did this was out of pure speculation, so I'm just going to keep the Episode IX story the way it is as possible as I can. So here it is, the details of what to expect in "SOS Book III", the final chapter in the Son of Skywalker Trilogy.

Jacen Skywalker's Struggle:

Book III will have a very different Jacen, and it's not just the haircut, he's a Jedi Knight and is learning to use the powers of the Dark Side for the greater good

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Book III will have a very different Jacen, and it's not just the haircut, he's a Jedi Knight and is learning to use the powers of the Dark Side for the greater good. Last time we saw Jacen, he lost his father, so coping with the loss of Luke will be a very big part of the story. A very big change in Jacen's character is that he's done trying to save Ben. Kylo made his choice, and so has he, so now there's no turning back for the both of them. Being done with saving Ben might cause some tension between Jacen and Rey but only time will tell.

The Return of Kara Sinn:

She only appeared in flashbacks during Book I, and she was tortured into the Dark Assassin in Book II, So Kara will have a bigger role to play in Book III

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She only appeared in flashbacks during Book I, and she was tortured into the Dark Assassin in Book II, So Kara will have a bigger role to play in Book III. Some might think that her relationship with Jacen might parallel with Luke and Mara Jade's relationship from Legends, but my intentional parallel was with Steve and Bucky from the Winter Soldier and Civil War story lines.

A New Enemy:

I'm not sure if this is a thing I should go for

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I'm not sure if this is a thing I should go for. Maybe a Bounty Hunter hired by the First Order who hates the Rebellion for his own reasons. Maybe he might get a yellow lightsaber. (The picture of Killmonger from Black Panther is just there, however I'm considering casting him but who knows.) Just throwing it out there in case anybody is interested...

The Other Characters:

I'm not certain about what's next for the other characters of the trilogy in Episode IX

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I'm not certain about what's next for the other characters of the trilogy in Episode IX. We all know Kylo has become the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Rey might take Luke's place and renew the Jedi Order, Finn and Poe having to go with whatever they're doing, Luke and Snoke are probably Force Ghosts but I'm not sure, and as for the rest of them, everything is basically under wraps at this point, so I can't say anything here.

The Last Battle:

The final battle of the Star Wars Saga, this is going to be big for the most part

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The final battle of the Star Wars Saga, this is going to be big for the most part. According to John Boyega (Finn), this will be the war to end all wars, and I believe him, let's see where all the characters come into play after this.

The Connection:

So Episode IX will have all three trilogies coming together, so I'm not sure how this will play out

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So Episode IX will have all three trilogies coming together, so I'm not sure how this will play out. In this one however, we might see all three Skywalker's in the same chapter, which was what I wanted to do for Book II but I didn't because it wasn't at the right moment. If it does happen in this one, we'll see where it will go from here.

Alright, that's all I can give you guys, I'll probably update the details when Episode IX comes out, so thank you for reading and may the Force be with you.

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