Chapter I: Father and Son

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He stares at the waters that flooded over the island seas. His hood was flipped over his head, it's shadow covering half of his face. He looks back during the days of the New Jedi Order, and how it was destroyed. The First Order has taken control of half the galaxy, while his sister was too busy trying to fight them off, and the last thing he thought of was his Son, who he left on the desert planet of Jakku, but he had to keep him away from it all, he didn't want him to lose hope the way he did. Luke Skywalker, the legendary Jedi who destroyed the Death Star, one of the heroes of the Rebel Alliance, kept looking at the seas of the island from the mountain, as he keeps reflecting the memories from his past. Ben Solo, his nephew and apprentice, has turned to the Dark Side, and Luke had failed him. He then sensed something, a presence he hadn't felt since Jakku.

"It couldn't be." Luke thought to himself. He then slowly turns from the edge of the mountain to the other side where he came from, and saw him. Jacen Skywalker, his only son, back from Jakku. Luke couldn't believe it, his Son, who he hasn't seen in ten years, finally with him once again. His swept shaggy brown hair blew from the wind, as he sees his father for the first time, and behind him was a girl, with three buns on the back of her brown hair, who puts the strap of her staff over her shoulder as it hangs from her back, knowing that she is seeing Luke Skywalker in person for the first time. Luke flips the hood of his cloak over his head, revealing long grayish blonde hair, and a white beard covering the lower half of his face, as his blue eyes stare at his Son, who looks emotionally rejoiced as he sees his father again. He then noticed the girl taking something out of her bag that was hanging from her other shoulder. It wasn't a blaster, but it was something familiar, something he thought he'd never see again, his Father's old lightsaber. The last time he saw it, he lost it during his duel with Darth Vader on Bespin, where he lost his hand and found out the truth about his Father. The girl then slowly walked towards the Jedi as she holds out the lightsaber hilt. Luke then slowly places both his hand and cybernetic hand under the hilt as he places it on both of his hands. He looks at the hilt, he remembered when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi gave it to him back on Tatooine. The girl steps back, as she watches Luke reunited with his old lightsaber hilt. Luke looks at Jacen, seeing his father for the first time in years, hoping that he would help fight the First Order. Luke gives the lightsaber one last look, and throws it over his shoulder as it falls down the cliff. His son was then dumbstruck and confused, so was the girl. Luke then walks past the two of them as if it was nothing, as he walks back toward the side of the mountain, on the way to his hut.

Jacen and Rey were confused, Luke just threw his old lightsaber out the cliff like a piece of junk. Jacen didn't have any words, but thoughts. Did his father, the calm and collective Jedi Master, just give up on hope? Jacen and Rey then follow him as they walk down the mountain, hoping to convince him to come back. Jacen then spots a pale tan robe flowing through the wind as His Father walks to the side of the mountain where the huts are. They both rush into a block of huts, one of them had an open door as it was about to close. Jacen then rushes toward the hut as he manages get himself inside his father's hut.

"You shouldn't be here." Said Luke from behind a giant wall, sensing his son's presence.

"I already lost you once." Said Jacen, as Luke throws the white robes out of his area. "I don't think I had a choice."

"How did you get here?" Luke asked.

"I'll explain everything later." Said Jacen as Luke comes out from around the wall, wearing darker clothing, picking up his white Jedi robes  from the floor and folds them on the table next to an inner mechanism with a red lightsaber crystal attached to it. They then hear the door being knocked.

"Master Skywalker?" Said Rey's voice from outside. "We're with the Resistance. Your sister Leia sent us."

"Leia sent you?" Luke asked.

"Like I said, I'll explain everything." Said Jacen.

"Hello?" Said Rey's voice from outside as the door was knocked again.

"Don't tell me." Said Luke. "That's the girl I told you to watch over. What is going on here?" Luke asked unenthusiastically. Jacen couldn't believe it, that was his father, why was he like this?

"She just discovered her powers." Said Jacen. "Dad, if we work together, we can help her discover her destiny."

"I can't teach another Jedi." Said Luke. "Not after what happened."

"I understand." Said Jacen. "But I'm not letting you give up, not like this."

"I appreciate that you still have faith in me, but I'm not coming back." Said Luke, as knocking was heard again. "Go away!" Yelled Luke, wanting the door to stop being knocked. "As I was saying." Luke was interrupted as the door started flying into the hut, crashing into the wall. Jacen and Luke then see a giant hairy Wookiee walked in through the smoke as it dissapates, it was Chewbacca letting out a furious roar, Rey came in behind him. "Chewie? What are you doing here?!" Asked Luke, as Chewbacca moans his answer.

"He said your coming with us." Said Rey.

"How did you find me here?" Asked Luke.

"Long story." Rey replied. "We'll tell you on the way to the Falcon."

"The Falcon?! Wait." Said Luke, as he notices something very wrong. Chewbacca is here, so is his Son, along with this girl he brought with him. There was a moment of silence as Luke turns to his Son. "Where's Han?" He asked.

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