Chapter VI: Visions

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Luke steps out of his hut as he puts the strap of his backpack over his shoulder, as he notices Rey standing there, wearing a bluish Grey poncho.

"You're wasting your time." Said Luke as he walks past her, Rey then begins to follow him, even if it means hiking up the island mountain. She promised Jacen that she would help him hope again, and she tried convincing him, she tried reasoning with him, but he just doesn't listen. He ignored her every step of the way, she wished Jacen was here, but the Resistance needed him. As they kept walking up the mountain hill, she starts sensing something, from far away. Rey then walks toward a misty area, as she walks through it, she sees a strange looking tree, and a hole that looks like it had an inside. As she steps in, she sees a shelf of books on the wall being lit by the sunlight, she slowly walks toward it to get a closer look. The books seemed very ancient, she then reaches for one of the books, but before she could.

"Who are you?" Asked a voice from behind, she turns to see Luke's silhouette standing from the entrance.

"I know this place." Said Rey, as Luke walks toward the shelf, dragging his hand across the wall.

"Built a thousand generations ago, to keep these." Said Luke, describing the tree, as he takes a book from the shelf. "The Original Jedi texts." Luke revealed, opening the cover as he places his gloved cybernetic hand across the first page. "Just like me, the last of the Jedi religion." Said Luke, as he then turns to Rey. "You've seen this place? This island?"

"Only in dreams." Said Rey.

"Who are you?" Luke asked again.

"The Resistance sent me." Said Rey.

"They sent you? What's special about you?" Asked Luke, as Rey looks down. "Where are you from?" He asked.

"Nowhere." Rey answered.

"No ones from nowhere." Said Luke.

"Jakku." Rey answered.

"Ok that's pretty much nowhere." Said Luke. Rey sighed, thinking to herself, knowing that he sent his son there. "Why are you here Rey from nowhere?" Asked Luke.

"The Resistance sent me." Rey said again. "We need your help-"

"Why are you here?" Luke asked again, wanting her to give him the actual answer.

"...Something...inside has always been there." Rey answered, trying to say her words meaningfully. "Now it's awake, and I'm afraid, and I don't know what to do with it...and I need help."

"You need a teacher, I cannot teach you." Said Luke as he walks toward the Jedi texts, but Rey runs towards in front of him, blocking his path.

"Why not?" Asked Rey. "I've seen your daily routine, you're not busy."

"I will never train another generation of Jedi. I came to this island to die." Said Luke as his silhouette blocks the light of outside, placing his hand on the side of the exit. "It's time for the end." He said.

"Why?" Rey asked. "Leia sent me here with hope. If she's wrong then she deserves to know why." Said Rey as Luke then walks out of the tree as he comes back to his so called routine. Rey just stands there, not sure if there's any spark of hope left in him at all.

As the holocron hovers over him, Jacen explains to Qui Gon about these premonitions.

"What do you think these visions mean?" Asked Jacen.

"I'm not sure, but it sounds serious." Said Qui Gon, unsure about what Jacen told him.

"They keep telling me about this planet, but I don't know why." Jacen explained. "What should I do?"

"My advice is to look deep inside these visions, and maybe you'll find your answer." Said Qui Gon's voice as the holocron closes, sealing the light back inside, as it gently lands on Jacen's hand, he then puts it on his bed as he sits on the floor in a meditation position. Taking Qui Gon's advice, Jacen starts thinking about the visions in his head, he then concentrates on them, hoping to find answers, he thinks of the planet, trying to keep his mind clear. As he keeps concentrating, and starts clearing his mind, Jacen opens his eyes and before he knew it, he was sitting on the sands of Tatooine, he sees the twin suns shining through the sky, and near him was a cloaked figure as the back of the robes flowed behind the figure. Jacen walked closer toward the figure as he starts sensing something, a warm, familiar presence, a presence he thought he would never feel again.

"...Mom?" Asked Jacen as he opens his eyes, exhausted, climbing onto his bed, processing what he just saw. Jacen couldn't believe it, but he felt it. His mom was alive. Jacen then gets off his bed as the door slides open, allowing him to walk into the hallway, as he heads to the main room, if anyone could understand what he saw in these visions, it was Leia. As Jacen finally reaches where he was going he opens the blast door, and sees General Leia slapping Poe across the face. Everyone was frozen for a brief moment as Jacen closes it, knowing that he must've caught her at a bad time. The doors open again, revealing C-3PO on the other side.

"It's rather safe to come in now Master Jacen." C-3PO informed.

"Thanks 3PO." Said Jacen as he pats him on the gold shoulder, as he quickly walks in the room, walking toward Poe. "What was that all about?" Jacen asked.

"I got demoted." Said Poe. "I guess that's what I get for disobeying orders." Said Poe rubbing his cheek from the sting of that slap.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Said Jacen.

"Jacen?" Said Leia's voice, as he walks toward her, Finn was behind her. "What's going on?"

"I think my Mother is alive." Said Jacen.

"Alright slow down." Said Leia. "Tell me what's going on."

"I've been having these visions from the Force, telling me to go to Tatooine." Jacen explained. "I think that's where she is."

"Wait a minute." Said Finn. "I thought you weren't Force Sensitive."

"So did I, it's a long story." Jacen replied. "You have to send me down there General, I have to find her."

"We can talk about these visions later. Right now we-" Leia was then interrupted as the alarm starts going off.

"It's the First Order!" Said one of the Resistance officers. "They found us."

"That's impossible." Said Poe, as suddenly an army of First Order Star destroyers just jumped out of lightspeed, and behind it was a giant wide star destroyer bigger than the others. "That's Snoke's ship." Poe exclaimed, looking at the giant Star Destroyer. "You gotta be kidding me."

"We need to get out of here!" Said Jacen.

"Do we have enough fuel for lightspeed?" Asked Poe.

"We have just about one jump left." Said one of the Officers.

"Then we better do it." Said Poe.

"Wait!" Said Leia, holding her hand out noticing something. "They tracked us through lightspeed." Said Leia.

"That's impossible." Said Finn.

"Yes...and they've done it." Said Leia, as the Resistance was officially surrounded. the First Order has them in their clutches with no way out.

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