Chapter IV: The General

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Jacen and Ackbar walk through the doors of the war room, featuring a window of Space, where they see General Leia Organa, wearing a dark navy dress, and a mourning braid for her hairstyle in honor of her husband, looking at the holotable. Leia turns to see his nephew all in one piece.

"Commander Skywalker reporting General." Said Jacen, as Ackbar leaves the room, giving them privacy.

"We're not in public Jacen, please speak freely." Leia suggested.

"Sorry Aunt Leia. I'm new at this." Said Jacen as he walks toward Leia.

"You'll get there." Said Leia. "...Where is he?" She asked, as Jacen started feeling lost for words.

"I'm sorry, he's not here." Said Jacen as he looks down. "He's...not himself."

"...I know..." Said Leia, sensing through Jacen's mind. "There are worse things in life that can affect us."

"I agree." Said Jacen. "Poe said Something about taking down the Dreadnought." Said Jacen, confused. "What was that all about?" Jacen asked, as Leia takes a brief moment of silence.

"A giant Star Destroyer." Leia answered. "We lost so many today...let's just say War is terrible."

"How many?" Asked Jacen.

"A lot." Said Leia, "I know you understand what it's like."

"What makes you say that?" Jacen asked.

"Because we were both born in this war." Leia answered, as Jacen thinks about Leia's words, when she was born during the rise of the Empire, and he was born during the battle against the remains of it.

Finishing his conversation with his aunt, Jacen walks out the blast doors, and heads to his quarters. Jacen looks at the hangar bay, as he thinks about how much the Resistance has been fighting this war, and how many have sacrificed their lives doing so, he then accidentally bumps into someone.

"I'm so sorry." Jacen said.

"It's ok, just watch where you're going." Said the girl, as she realizes who she bumped into. She was wearing a maintenance technician uniform, and had black hair with bangs and straight sides with the ends roundly bent on the sides of her hair with a small ponytail on the back. She was nervous and excited, concerning Jacen a little bit.

"Ok, breathe." Said Jacen, as he tells her to calm down, realizing she was speaking to him.

"Hi." Said the technician.

"Hello." Jacen replied.

"I'm Rose." She said. "I'm sorry, I've been behind pipes all day, meeting Resistance Heroes isn't in my criteria."

"Nice to have a fan." Said Jacen.

"You haven't seen my sister around have you?" Asked Rose.

"I don't think I have." Said Jacen. "But if I do, I'll let you know."

"Thank you." Said Rose. "When we heard that you helped take down Kylo Ren, my sister Paige said 'Rose, that is a real hero.'" She quoted as Jacen starts having mixed feelings, now that he's a hero of the Resistance. "Well, I got to go, General Leia wants to see me."

"Alright, nice meeting you." Said Jacen.

"You too." Said Rose as they both head toward their ways. As Jacen kept walking he starts sensing Tatooine again, why is the Force showing him the planet?

"I might need to look into this." Said Jacen, as he makes his way to his quarters.

"Jacen, please come to me." The voice starts speaking again. "I miss you..." The voice echoed.

"Who are you?" Jacen asked. "Why do you want me to go there?" These questions start spinning around Jacen like a tornado, if he had to look into these visions, he had to do it now.

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