Chapter XIII: A Tale of Failiure

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As they ignite their blue blades and prepare to clash them against each other, Ben makes the first strike as Jacen blocks every attack Ben threw at him. Luke stood there, watching them train. Jacen ducked from the an incoming attack as Ben threw another attack from below. Jacen then jumped out of the blades path, as the blade scratches the floor, where sparks flew everywhere. Jacen lands on his feet as they both then lock blades against each other, as Ben pushes his blade forward, getting closer to Jacen, as the blades remained locked, pushing each other as a white core glowed at where the blades made contact.

"Release!" Luke yelled, as Ben and Jacen release their blades, as they retract back into their hilt. Jacen and Ben were out of breath, probably having the most intense lightsaber training of their lifes. "I can tell you both have been practicing."

"That's all we've been doing Uncle Luke." Said Ben.

"Well, I don't see why you can't keep it up." Said Luke. "Five minute break." Said Luke, as he pats his fifteen year old son on his shoulder and walks into his tent.

"You're getting pretty good." Said Ben. "I'm surprised you didn't lower your guard this time."

"Yeah, I guess I'm done holding back." Said Jacen. "Focus determines your reality, right?"

"Yeah." Said Ben. "I just hope you can hold your own in a real fight."

"Just because I can't use the Force, doesn't mean it's not with me." Said Jacen, as Ben starts thinking about his cousins words, while Jacen looks at his lightsaber hilt, and then starts looking at a Master and his Padawan learner, as she was lifting a giant boulder. "Who is that?" Asked Jacen.

"Her?" Asked Ben. "That's Kara Sinn, she's in one of my classes." Ben answered, as Jacen kept looking at her. "Very powerful even." Said Ben as she then gently places the boulder down, exhausted as she glances at the two of them, as they both immediately turn around.

"She looked at us." Said Jacen in fear. "She's gonna kill us."

"Take it easy." Ben chuckled. "We have to continue training." Said Ben as they walk back to the training area. Kara looks at Ben, a student in her class, and Master Skywalker's Son, a Jedi who doesn't seem to be Force Sensitive. She never seen him before, just as he saw her for the first time.

Jacen kept walking across the sand hills as he starts breathing out of exhaustion. Sweat covered his face from the heat of the desert. He stops walking, and takes a look at the twin suns lighting up the sky. Never has he looked at a sun so bright.

"You there!" Yelled a voice as Jacen sees a figure walking out of his homestead. "Do you need some water?" The Stranger asked, holding out a canteen of water as Jacen starts walking toward the stranger. He had grey long hair down to the neck, and a mustache, and a poncho across his shoulders, as he gives the canteen to the wandering Stranger, who then takes a sip.

"Thanks." Said Jacen as he gives the canteen back.

"Keep it. You need it more than I do." Said the Stranger, as Jacen takes another sip. "Where are you heading?"

"I don't know actually." Said Jacen. "I'm looking for someone."

"Is this 'someone' close to you?" Asked the Stranger.

"I haven't seen her in years." Said Jacen.

"Girlfriend?" Asked the Stranger?

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