Murder & Revival

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,,I have no idea." her husband replied.

,,You never have, Tom." the woman laughed and stepped forward. When she put her hand on the door handle, she hissed a little from sudden pain and grabbed her belly.

,,Allison, are you all right?" Tom asked when he ran to her.

,,It's all right." Allison smiled. ,,It happens often now."

Thomas nodded and with Allison entered the empty studio.

,,Joey?" Allison called out. ,,We're here! Where are you?"

But no response.

,,Are you sure he wrote he wants to meet today?" Tom asked.

,,I'm absolutely sure," Allison replied. ,,Maybe he's in his office."

The couple began to walk along the empty corridors when suddenly something caught Thomas's eye.

,,I'll be right there, Al, I'll just have to look at something." he said, heading to a table where the various structures that he and Joey did together were.

Allison just nodded and continued to walk. There was a suspicious silence everywhere, so she began quietly humming a song from Bendy's new cartoon, in which Alice Angel had her solo. Her soft humming echoed the hall and gave the studio a less creepy look, but her voice was cut off when another sound was heard in the workshop.

Sound of a shot.

,,Tom!" Allison gasped and ran back. In the moment she reached the hall, she let out a loud scream full of horror and fright. She knelt to her husband who was laying motionless on the ground. She tried to stop the bleeding from his wound on his chest with a scarf she had.

But she wasn't able to finish what she started, because someone pushed a cloth soaked with narcotics to her nose from behind. Although she tried to resist it, she didn't succeed, leaving the darkness taking her.


When Allison opened her eyes, she found herself in a large room where she was tied to a chair, just below the huge ink machine. Thomas was lying on the ground next to her.

,,Tom!" she screamed, trying to release the ropes that were holding her.

,,He's dead." a voice came from behind the machine.

A voice Allison knew well.

,,Why are you doing this?" she cried out. ,,What have we ever done to you?!"

,,Nothing, dear," the voice replied. ,,I only do what everyone should do. I am dreaming! I am dreaming, and making my dreams come true."

From behind the machine, Allison glanced at the owner of the voice.

Joey Drew.

,,You don't understand, Allison," he replied as he came to the control panel of the ink machine. ,,Nobody does."

Joey pushed a few buttons on the machine that started making sounds and shaking a little.

He looked at Allison, he looked at her eyes that held so much horror and fear as they looked at the machine.

,,I'm sorry." he said when Allison screamed for the last time.

,,No!" you screamed and sat up quickly. You were in a bed, again in the safehouse, but this time you weren't trapped behind the planks.

You noticed a glass of water on the table beside the bed, Alice's book on a nearby table, and a bandage on your arm that had burned you before. You cautiously wanted to remove the bandage and see what was underneath, but before you did so, Thomas ran into the room.

,,Tom!" you screamed and ran to him. ,,Where's Allison?! Is she okay?!"

Tom casted a surprised expression, but with the gestures of his hands he indicated that Allison was alright.

,,I know it now..." you whispered with tears in your eyes. ,,I know how you ended up in this hell."

But instead of comforting you he quickly put his hand on your mouth, making sure no one was around.

,,What are you doing?" you asked with in a misunderstood voice when he released you, but gave you no response to your question. You didn't understand his sudden change in behavior, but you shook it off when you thought of your strange dream.

,,That dream... the book!" you exclaimed with hope in your voice and ran to the book, but Thomas pulled you back before you could take it.

,,What's wrong with you?!" you screamed when you were trying to get out of his firm grip. ,,Let me go or I'll-"

,,Enough, (Y/N)! Enough!"

You stopped struggling. With a surprise on your face, you looked at him.

,,You..speak? But Allison said that-"

,,Stop it, please!" he cried out in a rough but hopeless voice. ,,I...I can't allow it."

,,Allow what?"

,,I can't allow Allison to remember, I just can't.."

,,What are you talking about?"

,,I can't tell her.." he whispered. The strong creature he looked like was now a weeping wreck. He slumped to his knees and covered his face with his hands. You knelt down to him and looked at him with a questioning look, putting your hand on his shoulder.

,,Tom.." you whispered. ,,Tell what?"

,,That she that time...


To be honest I had a little trouble with writing this one, so I hope you like it anyways!
Oh well-
things are getting more...interesting.
Now you know history of Allison and Thomas, what do you think about it?
And I know that Bendy wasn't in this chapter, but I promise that he's gonna be in the next one ^^
And one more thing, on what "device" do you think BATDR is going to be released at first? I mean, I don't think it's going to be on the mobile first but idk maybe on Steam? If you know or think something feel free to write it to the comments uwu
Have a nice Christmas Holidays everyone!

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