[14] - Christmas Masquerade

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Lukercy because it's my OTP. Sry Percabeth. They never got together.

Also, Merry Christmas to everyone out there.

I can't get enough to tell everyone Merry Christmas. It's like 1am - ish - here.


The gods were holding a masquerade ball. Strange right? Well, that's because they decided that maybe for once in their immortal lives, they want to do something for their children. Everyone was excited. I mean, who wasn't?

Percy didn't want to attend. He didn't, but Annabeth insisted and even brought Piper along to charm speak him into going. But alas, it didn't work.

What did make him go was the fact that he didn't want to be left alone in the camp. Where many things would trigger a panic attack that could cost him his life. Just saying.

He picked up his black and blue mask. Like his eyes. Percy blinked the tears away just as Annabeth came in. She wore a purple dress that matched her mask.

"Percy, come on," she said and pulled him out of his cabin. Percy slipped on a smile for his best friend as she pulled him to the car that was waiting for them.


When they reached Olympus, it was amazing. The whole place was decorated to Christmas themed since it was 25th December. There was even snow falling onto the streets making it look amazing.

It was cold and beautiful.

Percy slipped on his mask and walked into the ballroom with Annabeth. Everyone was chattering or dancing in the middle. Annabeth had already been whisked away by some other demigod. He chuckled as she glared half-heartedly at him.

"Can I have this dance?" He glanced up at the person. Percy rolled his eyes already knowing who it was. Who else glows like the sun?

Either way, he danced with the god whilst brushing off his flirting attempts. He wasn't the only one who kept trying their luck. A few—many other gods and goddess had attempted but failed miserably. He wasn't interested and didn't think he'd ever be interest ever again.

After the last god's attempt, he fled the ballroom and out into the garden. He needed a break from all the chaos that had happened. Percy slipped off his mask and let the cold air blow at his face. He let out a breath and stared down to earth. Lights appeared everywhere making New York look lively.

"Escaping the crowd?"

Percy whipped around and chuckled. "Yeah." The person walked towards him and pointed to the bench.

"Mind if I join you?" Percy nodded his head and he sat down.

The mystery man had blonde hair wore a green and black mask over his blue eyes. "So, what brings you here?" He asked. The man shrugged.

"Too loud. I'd prefer peace after everything we've been through," he said and leaned back. Percy nodded his head in agreement.

"Were you apart of the Giant war?" He asked curiously. It had been a year since it and they had a somewhat normal life now.

The other shook his head. "What happened?"

Percy exhaled through his nose as he started explaining everything. They made jokes and laughed and for the first time, Percy felt happy. He didn't need to put up a fake smile for the mystery man and it felt nice.

Soft melodic music came from the ballroom and he stood up. Percy stared at him curiously as to what he was doing. The man outstretched his hand to him.

"Dance with me?"

Percy smiled as he grabbed his hand and stood up. He placed a hand on his shoulder and the other placed his hand on his waist. They swayed to the music and this was the first dance that night that felt normal.

The man caressed his cheek softly and Percy leaned into his touch. "You have pretty eyes," he murmured. The son of Poseidon blushed but didn't pull away.

The man leaned in and within a second, his lips were on his. Percy leaned into it and felt a thousand jolt of electricity went through him. Those pair of lips were familiar. They were the only pair of lips he'd ever kiss. Why wouldn't he recognise them?

Percy pulled away and his lips trembled. The man exhaled through his nose as he raised a hand to wipe away the single tear falling down his cheek. Percy shakily took the mask of his eyes and his heart hammered against his chest.

Because standing in front of him was Luke Castellan. The son of Hermes sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "The gods thought to allow the dead-."

He was interrupted by another pair of lips on his. Luke held the demigod as the kiss became desperate and needy. He grabbed the younger demigod's face and deepened the kiss. Everything around them melted away as Percy kissed Luke to no end.

Luke bit the bottom of his lip for entrance and the other obliged. Percy let the demigod savour every inch of his mouth. They parted leaving each other breathless. "You're still gorgeous," he said. Percy blushed red as he buried his face in the other shoulder's.

"I love you." Luke smiled as he hugged the other demigod tightly. He pulled away and lifted his chin.

"I love you, too," he said between kisses. Percy smiled into the last one knowing they were all true.

They went back into the ballroom holding hands. Annabeth found them and eyed the man sceptically. Who was he and why was he holding hands with Percy? But when she saw the smile on his face, she felt herself smiling too. This was the first time in a long time since he had given a genuinely happy smile.

Luke lifted his hand to his lips and planted a kiss on it. "Drama queen's making an announcement," he said. Percy giggled and Luke let go of his hand unwillingly. The son of Poseidon already missing the warmth of his hand.

"How are you, Perseus?" Percy turned his head and nodded his head.

"I'm fine, lady Aphrodite." The goddess of love smiled knowingly.

"He's upfront, isn't he?" She asked. Percy stared at her surprised.

Aphrodite rolled her eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm the goddess of love," she said before leaving. Percy smiled and faced the front.

Zeus was making an announcement and twenty other people stood behind him. Hades decided to take over, seeing as many people were getting bored. "To all the older Greek campers, Merry Christmas," he said and smiled.

A few figures stepped forward and stripped their mask off. Gasps rang throughout the throne room. Many others were confused but they saw a few of them tear up. "Silena!" Clarisse shouted and the happiest smile anyone's ever seen on her face appeared.

"Bianca!" Nico ran up and hugged his sister tightly. She laughed and hugged him too.

The fourteen other demigods took their masks down too and the older Greek demigods rejoiced. Even if the newer demigods and Romans didn't know who they were, they went up to greet them.

Luke was tackled by a lot of people. Both from hugs and punches. Annabeth hugged him then punched him. "You idiot! Do you know how much you hurt Percy?" She whispered shrieked. Luke sighed and nodded his head.

"But then again, you made him happy again," she said and faced in the direction of the demigod. Percy hugged Silena as they laughed and smiled. Luke loved seeing that smile on his face. It was his light in the dark.

He walked towards the unexpecting demigod and pulled his hand turning him around. Percy creased his eyebrows in confusion as he stared at the sparkling blue eyes.

"Luke, what are you doing?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago," he said. The son of Hermes cupped his face in his hands and went in for another kiss. Percy sucked in a breath just as their lips connected. The whole room erupted into a roar and cheers. Percy blushed but he smiled nonetheless.

"Merry Christmas, Perseus Jackson," he mumbled against his lips.

And it was the best Christmas Percy could ever ask for.

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