[8] - You are related to Tony Stark? Pt. 2

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This part is for @extremereaderforlfe for wanting a second part.

Honestly, I think Nick Fury is my favourite marvel character. Also, in this AU, Thor is with Jane.

"Seriously? You had to ask them."

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D remained emotionless as he replied, "Yes."

Percy sighed and rubbed his temples in exasperation. After his last meeting with Loki, he vapour travelled to the worldwide law-enforcement organisation. He wanted to keep both worlds apart from each other for as long as possible. But of course, when the director is the descendant of Ares, nothing gets past him.

"And the god?"

Percy ran a hand through his raven hair and sighed. "Not causing any trouble," he said and sighed.

Nick Fury slipped his black coat on and adjusted the straps. Without looking at the demigod, he said said, "Tony's wreaking havoc on the others." Percy snorted.

"When is he not?" A smile played on his lips.

Fury smiled and walked out of his office, the demigod trailing not too far behind. He passed the other agents and found the person he was looking for. "Coulson, get the aircraft ready. We're dropping in on the Avengers in style."

Tony was pacing in his lounge. Percy had gone MIA again and it worried him very much. He promised Sally he would take care of him if anything happened to her.

"Tony, calm down." Rhodey crossed his arms and sighed.

The genius still kept pacing. Natasha rolled her eyes and watched him continue pacing for no reason. She knew where Percy was, she just wanted Tony to worry. Steve caught the sly look on her face and sighed. This team was going to be the death of him.

Just then, they heard the sound of a helicopter rotor. Natasha smiled and stood up to meet them. Tony, along with the other Avengers, were confused and followed her out. The S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft landed on the platform smoothly in front of the Avengers.

Nick Fury stepped out and after him came Percy Jackson. "Percy!" The son of Poseidon smiled and hugged his uncle.

"Welcome back, Perce," Clint said and clapped his back. He stared at him unamused as the other laughed at his unfortune.

"Son of Jack! Welcome back. How is my brother treating you?" Thor boomed loudly and Percy sighed.

"Thor, buddy, quiet down, they don't know," he said exasperatedly. The god of thunder looked at him confused before realisation dawned onto him.

"Oh. I apologise in advance," he said. Percy sighed and waved his hand.

"It's fine."

Natasha opened her arms and the nineteen year old hugged her tightly. Her eyes shined brightly a her favourite agent. "Want to make sure Tony gets stuck in his lab again?" She asked wickedly. Percy grinned and cackled. She ruffled his hair before releaseing him back to his uncle.

"What did Fury want?" Tony asked and eyed the director. Percy shrugged, "Nothing. Just information about Loki." Tony eyed him before nodding his head.

Nick Fury walked past them and into the compound. Everyone went in after him. "Hello, Percy. Welcome back," the AI greeted.

"Thanks, Jarvis."

"You, Mr Stark are very irresponsible. Losing an adult? Now that's a feat only you could achieve," Fury said. Percy and Clint snickered but covered it up with a cough when they saw the look the genius gave them. Everyone went back to what they were doing. Percy went to his room—more like a level. Everyone of them had their own level since the building was huge. He plopped down onto the couch and sighed.

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