[9] - Demigods mercenaries

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This one's particularly long so yeah, take your time guys.


Annabeth walked through the streets of Olympus. She smiled and greeted the gods walking by. After the Giant War, she and the others were offered partial immortality. Surprisingly, Percy accepted too. But he had disappeared a year later leaving everyone clueless. She had broken up with him but they were still on good terms, before his disappearance.

Being the official architect of Olympus, she has recreated gods and goddesses' temples on Olympus and in Camp Half-Blood. She was successful and her mother was proud. "Annabeth!" The heroine turned around and smiled at her friend, Piper.

The brown-haired girl became her mother's protege and after a while, being with the goddess of love wasn't so bad. Aphrodite had surprisingly taught her many useful things about her powers too.

"You're heading to the meeting?" She asked and hooked her arm through hers. She nodded her head in reply.

"Do you think Percy will come?" She asked quietly. Percy's disappearance was covered up as a quest that lasted for eighteen months. Each meeting, they had hoped he would appear but was disappointed. Annabeth shrugged.

"I hope so," she said. Piper nodded her head and they walked to the throne room together.

Upon reaching, everyone was already there. Jason kissed Piper and she smiled. "Hello, handsome." He smiled and held her waist.

"Hi, Annabeth," he greeted. She smiled and waved. Jason helped his father with his kingly duties along with making up with Hera. He and Piper's relationship was going smoothly. Everyone was already there except for one person.

"Where's Clarisse?" Annabeth asked. Everyone shook their heads. It was unlike the daughter of Ares to be absent. She was usually the first and never missed any one of the meetings. Just then, the door burst open.

The daughter of Ares was ranting and cursing in ancient greek so fast that even being gods they couldn't keep. "I'm going to kill that bloody idiot!" She said and sat beside her father.

"What happened to you?" Frank asked her half-sister seeing as she was dressed in assassination clothes which were covered in blood.

"That idiot happened," she answered deadpanned.

Zeus cleared his throat and everyone quietened down. He was about to begin when the throne room doors burst open again. This time, it was a hooded figure. They could only see the grin on his face and the rest of his face was shrouded in darkness.

Clarisse narrowed her eyes at him. "I would call you son of a bitch but your mother is an incredible woman," she said at him. He shrugged and strutted into the throne room. Everyone stared at him wearily.

"Business is business." His voice was smooth and velvety that seemed to swoon the ladies in the room. It was familiar too, to Annabeth at least.

"If you mean stealing my kill then yeah, business," she retorted and glared at him. He shrugged and threw something at her. Everyone shouted but Clarisse was unfazed as she caught the dagger.

"Souvenir," he said a tone of mischief. She glanced down at it and was impressed.

"I'm keeping this," she stated pointedly and slipped into her boot.

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. He turned around and grinned at her. He looked at everyone's faces and was mockingly offended.

"You don't remember me? I'm hurt," he said and pouted.

Clarisse snorted and leaned on her arm. "Your hood is up, how would they recognise you?" She asked and rolled her eyes. The man shrugged and smirked.

Percy Jackson - One Shots.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ