When 3 becomes 4

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You were in the backyard, sitting in the lounge chair as you threw the tennis ball for the millionth time. The golden retriever never got bored, and neither did your three year-old son, Lucas.

"Momma, I wanna throw the ball." He told you, making his way over to your side.

"Okay, buddy." You handed him the tennis ball and watched as he threw the ball to the dog. Hands rested on your shoulders, making you jump. You quickly turned, greeted by Mark's blue eyes.

"You're home early!" You exclaimed, getting up and pulling him in an embrace.

"I missed my wife and my son." He told you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"I'm sure that the puppy won't take it personally." You joked just as the dog ran up to him. "He missed you."

"Daddy!" Lucas yelled, running as fast as he could to his father.

"Hey, bud!" Mark greeted, picking his son up. "What did you do today?"

"Momma and I watched movies today." You smiled at him, running your fingers through his hair.

"Yes, we did. How about we eat dinner and watch another one with dad? Does that sound good?"

Mark grinned as he watched his son nod with excitement. "Go get ready for dinner, we'll be right there." Lucas wiggled out of Mark's arms, going towards the bathroom.

Mark pulled you into his side, letting out a sigh. "He got so big, where did the time go?"

You rested your hand on his chest, looking up at the beautiful man. "Time flies when you're having fun."

"We should have some fun tonight...maybe give Lucas a little brother or sister." He nudged your side, raising an eyebrow.

You chuckled, "What if I told you that he's going to get a brother or sister?" You told him, nudging him back.

"You're not serious." He turned to face you, a smile growing on his face.

"Robbins confirmed it this morning." You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips. You pulled away, sighing contently.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come on!" Lucas yelled with excitement. "I wanna watch Toy Story!"

You both chuckled, sitting down to a family meal that would be gaining another member in a short time.

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