You get shot

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It was stupid. Probably the stupidest thing you'd ever done. You stood in front of Gary Clarke, trying to distract him. The gun wasn't pointed at you. Yet. In fact, it wasn't even visible. You stood on the lobby area, talking to him. Out of your peripheral vision, you could see people frantically trying to get away. Mr. Clarke looked you in the eye and you prayed that he couldn't see the fear in them.

"Get out of here." He whispered, lifting the gun. Your breath hitched and you tried to find something else to say.

"I know-" You weren't able to finish. The loud bang made your ears ring and pain filled your mind. You were shot in the stomach. You sank to your knees, trying to apply pressure.

"I'm sorry." Mr. Clarke announced and shot three more bullets into the lobby area. A nurse was hit. Everyone was running for their lives. Coincidentally, a ricochet bullet hit you again. This time in the thigh. You screamed in pain and finally someone came to help you. Mr. Clarke was gone and an intern was hovering over you. Your breathing was heavy as your hand was replaced with his.

"Dr. Y/L/N... Dr.... You're gonna be...." The voices were distorted and you felt yourself slipping until a voice sounded familiar.

"Y/N. Y/N, it's Dr. Hunt. Stay with me, okay?" You opened your eyes to see the concerned face of Owen Hunt, your colleague. "Get her to trauma 2." He announced. You were wheeled into the room and intubated almost immediately. Owen cursed himself as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"The bullet nicked the femoral artery." Cristina, who appeared breather suddenly, spoke up. Owen nodded, glad he had another set of hands. "Book OR two. She'll need surgery to repair the artery and I want to check for diaphragm injury with an open peritoneal lavage and laparoscopy to repair the damages to the abdomen and extract the bullet." Owen stared at Cristina and the two of them hurried to the OR.


Mark continued covering Alex's wound with lap pads, waiting for Lexie to come back. She finally did and her face was pale.

"Dr. Sloan..." She spoke carefully. Truth is she seen Owen and Cristina wheeling you to the OR and she couldn't help but ask about you. She gave him the blood that she recovered. Alex's life was still in danger. She'd tell him later. Meanwhile, Owen and Cristina continued the operation until something took a wrong turn.

"She tachycardic!" The monitor suddenly started beeping erratically and Cristina removed the draping over your chest and ordered the nurse to push one of adenosine. Your heart rate went back to normal and, within 20 minutes, the surgeons were finished. Owen got you to the ICU and tried to find Mark, who was currently looking for you. He successfully healed Alex at least so he wouldn't die.

"Sloan!" Owen called and, upon seeing the look on Mark's face, knew that he didn't have to say anything. Mark followed Owen to the room where Y/N all while asking thousands of questions.

"Y/N! Oh my god." He whispered, suddenly sad. Owen explained the procedures that were done to the plastics surgeon. Mark waited by your bedside, hoping that the anaesthesia would wear off soon. He wanted to hear your beautiful voice. He craved it. But he couldn't hear it now. So he waited. And waited. And waited. Until finally you started choking on the tube in your throat. Mark quickly went into action and took the intubation tube out. You smiled groggy-like. "Hey, you."

"Hi." You blindly grabbed for Mark's hand and he grasped it tightly. He brought it to his face and kissed it gently. Tears pooled under his eyes as he thought of losing you. "I'm not dead yet, Mark." You chuckled. He stroked your hair gently and chuckled as well.

"I was terrified." He admitted. You nodded. You were too. You tapped his hand.

"Get some sleep." He kissed you on the lips and lingered for a bit longer than usual. You smiled into it and Mark pulled away. He went to sit back in one of the chairs until you moved over a little more on the bed. You smirked at him. "I wanna cuddle." Mark chuckled at your statement and climbed into the hospital bed with you.

"I love you." He pulled you close, careful not to hurt you. You kissed him again.

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