Date Me

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As usual, the hospital was full of people, all for different reasons and need different kinds of treatment. Today was no different, granted a car pile-up was not what they needed that day. "Page Graile and L/n!" Dr. Baily called out as she joined the ambulance doc.

One of the many doctors on call was Mark Sloan, the plastic surgeon, who you spend most of your time with. "Neither of them is here yet," Mark tells the frustrated surgeon. With a quick yell and an order, an unfortunate intern was sent off to call them or locate them if they were ignoring it.

The ambulances' pulled up in no time, opening up and showing off the new patients that they were to tend to. Mark and Lexie Grey rush to one of them, opening it to see one of the missing surgeons (Lynne) keeping a person alive. The woman went off to list off everything that was wrong as the second ambulance pulls up to show you, straddling the next person, doing compressions.

You look terrible compared to the last time that Mark saw you. Now you were covered in blood, hair all over the place and some tears in your clothes. Not that appearance was a big thing to you as all you cared about was getting the job done, that rose concern in the plastic God. "Crashed about a minute out." You say as they rush to wheel you and your patient into the hospital.

From there Meredith Grey took over your compressions as you were growing tired. You take in a breath before looking over at Lynne, who was being looked at by Lexie. "Where do you think you're going?" Mark's voice made you jump as you started to head to the side to get a gown and gloves.

You look over to who you consider being your best friend (apart from Lynne). "To get in gear, my patient is in the room with Hunt." You tell him, turning to go again when he catches your arm, concern covering his face. "What?" You question, tilting your head. Mark looks you over and you take a moment to do that as well, the adrenaline in you coming down and letting you feel the sting of the cuts on your arms and legs. "Oh." Your hand grabs onto Mark's arm, the amount of pain you were came in waves and you were surprised you didn't feel it before. "Yeah, that's a good reason."

Mark's quick at helping you to a bed to look you over himself. "You want to tell me what happened?" Mark raises an eyebrow, pulling on a pair of latex gloves.

You smile a bit, wincing when he moves to roll up your sleeve. "We were probably the only people who stopped just before the crash." You tell him as he gently starts to clean and remove all the debris from the cuts. "So ya know, there are people yelling and screaming, one car flipped over. There's panic and it all just kicked in." You look at the room that your guy was in. "Pulled him right out." Mark glances over at the room before looking back at your wounds.

The two of you fall silent for a moment before he shakes his head with a smile. "You're gonna need stitches sweetheart." He says, making you look down at one of the large cuts, refusing to stop bleeding.

You smile at him, laughing a bit as you lean over and place a kiss on his cheek. "Good thing my best friend is a plastic surgeon." Mark looks down at your cut.

"Yeah." He pauses, "Good thing." He nods before shaking his head and looking back up at you. "Go on a date with me." You were almost taken back by him, though his bluntness was something you knew very well. "Listen, I'll take you wherever we don't even have to go out." He speaks as he starts to stitch you up. "We could just go to your place, watch a movie. Go to mine, just hear me out." He glances at you before focusing on his world-renowned stitch job. "I don't want to be just your best friend, just the guy who sleeps around. I want something more than that."

You take a long moment, making him worry that he's just scared you off. It was only when laughter leaves you that he thinks you believe that it's a joke. "Gods you're slow." You say with a smirk on your face. "Yes Mark, let's go on a date. My place after the shift?" You question, making him smile like an idiot.

"Take out?"

"You know me so well."

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