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Summer have arrive and my semester is over. I been stress with a school and meeting ends for rent I haven't talk to anybody. Rose, Jennie and Jisoo have been busy with their significant others and Kookie has been busy at work.

Since it's summer time, college kids are coming home and the clubs have been really busy. But when Kookie is home, he's been acting weird. Like three days ago, I noticed he cooked dinner and offered it. Or like every morning when we are able to wake up the same time, he brew coffee for both of us.

When I do get home late because I been studying at the library for my exams, he been picking me up and taking me home. After the first few times, I realize he been leaving work to pick me up and after he drops me off, he goes back to work.

After I notice what he was doing I felt bad. So I then told him I didn't need a ride assuming he would leave it alone but he waited outside of the library for me. I was annoyed at first but then I was so tired from school I didn't care.

Little things like this has been making our living arrangements bearable. I did question why the sudden change in his behavior but why start a fight when we are okay.

Since I didn't have school or work today, so I decided to go to the grocery store and get some food to make dinner tonight. I've notice I haven't cook for myself in awhile. I bought all the ingredients for a pasta with miso cream sauce.

I was done and on the way home when I receive a text from Kookie.

What are you doing?

On the way home. What time will you be home?

Not sure.. why? You miss me already ;)

I roll my eyes at his text. Of course I don't miss him. Since he been making sure I been eating with my busy schedule, I thought it would be nice to return the favor.

In your dreams. I'm making dinner. I'll just leave some out for you.

In my dreams your doing more than missing me.
You're going cook? Should I be worry?

Seriously how much more of perv can he get? And why should he be worry about my cooking? I cook well.. well last time I attempt to make an actual meal, I did accidentally burnt it but that happens every once awhile to everybody.

Then don't eat. I got to go.

I'll eat if it looks edible. Sleep tight doll. I'll see you in my dreams.

A smirk secretly crept up on my face. The flirting hasn't stop or simmer. I think I just have to get use to it.

I arrive home and start to boil the pasta and get my ingredients for the miso cream sauce. My meal was turning out good so far. I don't understand what he was worry about.

In the middle of cooking I heard the sound of thunder from outside.

I didn't think it was going to rain. But to double check, I went to the window to check outside. Surely enough, it was cloudy and dark.

I took a deep breath.

It's okay Lalisa. It's just rain. It's going to be okay.

I was trying to calm myself down.

As I continue to cook the pasta, the rain started to pour harder than I expected.

My nerves starting to mess with my head. By the time I was done, I debated if I should eat or crawl in my bed till the rain stops.

I did put some pasta in a plate just in case I choose to eat it now but I put most of it in a container for Kookie.

A hear a big boom from outside, which startled me and made me scream.

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