8 Letters

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"You look really good tonight Ray", Leo says and grins.
I chuckle. " You're not too bad your self Mr. Mcshizzle! "
"You still remember that? "
"Wouldn't forget it. Leo? "
"Mmhm? "
"We're you jealous of that fey? ", I ask cockily.
He turns bright red. " Yes, maybe shut up". I chuckle.
I rest my head on his shoulder and we sway slowly to the music.
"Ray? "
I pull back and look at him. "Yeah? "
"I-I love y-you"

My smile melts of my face and my eyes widen in horror. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening, not again. . . . . . . .

{A fourteen year old Ray walled down the hallway, tears streaming from her eyes. Why?
Mitchell Hardy, that's why.

He was her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now. He had been using her to get to Tori, the popular girl. She really thought her had loved her. Thats why she repeated her mistake. She told him she loved him and he flipped her off. It was harder this time.

The first time, it was James, and he had cheated on her then publicly broke up with her. And now it was Mitchell.

Why did no one love her?Life was cruel. }

I staggered backwards as my flashback faded away.

"Ray? Are you ok? You-"
I ran outside the palace and into the garden. I couldn't say those words again. All they brought for me was pain.

And then music filled the air.
I looked up at the sky and thought, really Apollo? This was a sentimental moment I was having.

Nevertheless, I began singing.

You know me the best
You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge
That, right there, is the scariest feeling
Opening and closing up again
I've been hurt so I don't trust
Now here we are, staring at the ceiling

Leo knew me. He had seen me as a mess, he broke up with Calypso for me. Why was I hesitating? He wasn't like the rest of the boys I had dated

I've said those words before but it was a lie
And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

Every time I had said those words, it never worked out. Now I couldn't even say it to the love of my life .

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?
Why do I pull you close
And then ask you for space
If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?

When you've been through what I have, everything gets harder. Even the things that aren't supposed to.

Isn't it amazing
How almost every line
On our hands align
When your hand's in mine
It's like I'm whole again
Isn't that a sign?
I should speak my mind

Being with Leo was natural. Amazing. I could be myself, I didn't need to be someone I was not. I didn't need to pretend. And he loved me for, well, me.

I've said those words before but it was a lie
And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

He deserved to hear me say those words, but I couldn't. Gods, I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?
Why do I pull you close
And then ask you for space
If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?

Tears stream down my face as I sing to no one. I had never realized how much those words meant . They hold so much.

When I close my eyes
It's you there in my mind
When I close my eyes

It's always Leo. Always(SEVERUS SNAPE!! No? Ok I'm sorry)

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?
Why do I pull you close
And then ask you for space
If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?

I Love You.
Three words.
8 letters.
And I couldn't do it. It hurts too much. They mean to much.

"Hey its ok", Leo's voice says comfortingly and he hugs me . I didn't even see him.
" It's all right. You've been through a lot haven't you? "
I nod miserably and look down. "I'm sorry ", I say stupidly, cause you know, I'm me.
" It's alright, I'm not asking anything if you. "

That's when it hit me. (I'm not going to do it not going to do i-LIKE A BRICKKKKK. )
Every single person I was with had wanted something of me and I never matched up.

And that's when I knew I loved Leo Valdez.
"I love you too", I say shakily. He grins so wide and then kisses me. His hands snake around my waist as mine swrap around his neck. Our lips move in
sink and we fit together perfectly.

When we break(unfortunately, since there's this annoying thing called, oh you know, oxygen), I sigh contentedly.

" I guess, it's time you know"

(A/n) : HI guys I posted and yes, I did use a song from why don't we, they're awesome okay, I just couldn't resist.
Something amazing happens in the next chapter and a switch of POVs as well so keep reading(please).
Also go check out my new book 'Falling', I've posted two short chapters but that's just the beginning.

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo.

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