Chapter Forty-Two

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*Quote by Frank Herbert, From Dune

A few hours later Narache stood outside the large drawbridge of Castle Ravenloft, the place was huge!

The huge Guard towers stood on each side were on a cliff overlooking the village and it was a dark and forbidding place.

He just stood there for a moment totally stunned at its vast size, that he almost failed to notice when he looked up the dark figure standing in the full moonlight far above, on an overlook, it seemed that the Lord of the Land was expecting him.
"Wow! For a Darklord, you're done rather well for yourself" Narache said awed, his horse neighed nervously.
"Ssh Necromancer," Narache said to his Elven mount, which was an unusual grey and black colour most of them were white.

The feeling of Dread was growing intensely; also, his Moonblade was glowing fiercely.

Like all Moonfighters, Narache and his Moonblade weren't able to be separated for too long, Strahd would have to know that, but he did the best to dim the glow because he knew it was visible, Alorie was concerned and wanted to protect him.
"Ok! this place is really starting to freak me out!" Narache groaned 'what a place! No wonder your people fear you Strahd! But I guess that is what you want", he sighed and closed his eyes and put a hand over his Moonblade to calm himself and tried to take comfort in the light of the full moon, but this wasn't Toril so it wasn't as effective.

He tried to draw on the calming influence of his Blade but to be honest, he was still surprised that the sword even still allowed him to wield it!
* " I must not fear, Fear is the Mindkiller, Fear is a little death, that brings total obliteration, I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path, where the fear has gone, there will be nothing, "* he quoted softly to himself, " by Sehanine Moonbow I will have the strength to do this! And please give me the strength to do this..." Narache prayed, taking his amulet it had the symbol of Sehanine Moonbow on it, whom like most Moon Elves he had always revered, he was even marked with the symbol of the moon on his forehead and had been since he had become a Vampire.
But now that mark was starting to burn him, he was starting to weaken and knew it, his amulet wasn't a holy symbol but it was magical, but the truth was Castle Ravenloft was giving him the willies.
He adjusted his cloak and clothes and was grateful for Varharland's blood pulsing through him, filling him with courage, strength and warmth and he felt a little stronger for it, his long unbound hair blew in the breeze.
"Thankyou my Silver Winged friend," he said softly picturing an image of Varharland's true form in his head, "I always knew you were special". He thought about what Varharland had given him, he had to admit he had always admired him.
"Gads I'm confused, but quite frankly I am scared out of my wits," Narache said as he walked forward, with his skittish horse, Lord Strahd had said that the portcullis would open as he approached, Narache watched as it did. As he watched several figures shuffled out to stand outside the gate, his horse neighed nervously.
"Ssh it's just Zombies! We're seen plenty here since we've arrived and I've even risen a few myself! Over the years! No real threat! I can quite easily control them if need be" and led his horse forward and he caught sight of a tall, sinister, cloaked figure standing just inside the Portcullis waiting for him.
Narache went forward and looked the man up and down, human, middle-aged obviously when he had gotten turned, with jet black hair, dark eyes, handsome in a mature way, well built and fit looking with the build of a warrior, not a mage. 
Small pointed ears, just visible under his short hair, dressed smartly and elegantly, waiting for him, a ruby stone at his throat, a Vampire and a powerful one, Narache tried to hide a smile, he had read a book called 'Dracula' that Varharland had loaned him.
 Ironically Lord Strahd looked a lot like that.
"Lord Strahd I presume," Narache said.
Strahd, in turn, looked him up and down betraying a little surprise at what he saw.

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