Chapter 9

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Emma had been feeling pretty crappy lately. She had just come home from school at Virginia Tech about a week ago. Jane was studying abroad for the summer and Liz was in South Carolina meeting her new boyfriend Jim's family. Kit was long gone and vowed never to come back, that was five years ago now. This summer was supposed to be great. She'd come home with her degree and find a job right off the bat. The problem was, no one wanted an interior decorator in this economy.

Deep in thought, Emma walked slowly down the driveway toward the main road; her destination was the pier in town. She moved to the side of the road when she heard a car coming up behind her. When the car hadn't passed, she turned around to see what the deal was. The car was coasting slowly behind her. She picked up her pace to see if it would too. Sure enough, the car started moving a bit faster. So she quickened her pace again, as did the car behind her.  And so it kept on like this for a few minutes.

Enough of this game! She turned around quickly and ran over to the passenger side door, yanking it open. Emma jumped in while the car was still moving.

"What the hell are you thinking, jumping in a moving vehicle?" Ewen playfully scolded her. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?" Emma yelled back, "I was just walking here and you start harassing me!"

"So, where are you headed?" Ewen asked as he pulled fully into the lane.

Emma shrugged and said, "I was on my way to the pier, but anywhere is fine. I'm just bored out of my mind. I need to get out for a while." She sighed, "Where are you headed?"

"Lucky for you I just happen to be going in that direction," he smiled at her. Funny how she never noticed how good looking he was until now. He'd always just been "Leland's little brother" or "one of those boys".

"Yeah. Lucky," she said unenthusiastically.

"Want to play a game?" Ewen offered.

"What game?" Emma asked hesitantly. Ewen was smirking at her when she looked at him.

"Whose summer sucks the most."

"Ah, well then I warn you. I'll win."

"Yeah. You're probably right.

They hung out at the pier all day. Ewen had bought her cotton candy because her summer did in fact suck the most. Emma decided that she liked this Ewen. She'd never met this side of him before and found herself really liking him.

When Ewen dropped her off at her house that night he asked if she wanted to hang out again tomorrow. Knowing that she had nothing better to do, she readily agreed.


The next three weeks, the two were inseparable. Mostly, they just went swimming or to the movies. Tonight, they were hanging out in Ewen's bedroom watching a movie.

They were laying down on his bed, her head was on his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something?" Ewen asked.

"Mmm hmm."

"I think you're really hot. Every time we're together," Ewen whispered, "all I want to do is kiss your sexy mouth. I want to kiss you until you squirm."

Emma's head shot up and she looked to see if he was messing with her. He wasn't. "Seriously?"

He nodded and confirmed, "seriously." Then he leaned forward until their mouths were just a whisper away, "If I'm outta line, you can hit me. But I think if I don't feel your lips on mine soon, I'm gonna die."

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