Chapter 23

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Looking at the paper in his hand one more time to be sure, he pushed the button, but nothing happened so he waited and tried again. Nothing.

This time he tried knocking on the door, no answer. So he pushed another button.

"Yes?" answered the voice of what sounded like an older woman.

"Sorry to disturb you, I'm looking for the woman in the next apartment. Do you know where I might find her?"

"Who is asking?"

"My name is Leland Peters, I'm a friend of Miss Taylor's."

"If you're her friend, why don't you know where to find her?" interrogated the older woman.

"This is my first time in London," Leland responded, "I am here to surprise her. She doesn't know I'm in town."

"Well, Mr. Peters, I'm sorry you missed her. She sold that flat last week and moved."

"Moved? Do you have a forwarding address? Or know of a friend that would have it?"

"'Moving to a better place', was all she told me."

"Thank you for your help." Now what? He could check her job. Surely they would know where to find her.

Leland hopped in the car that had been arranged for him and told the driver to take him to the EuroSport headquarters. This might be the only lead he'd get. Neither the Peters, nor the Taylor's knew he was here. He told them he would be in Chicago today. News travels fast in their families and he wanted to surprise her.

Once he started thinking about Kit, he knew that she had been trying to make things easier for both of them by saying those things. There was not a chance in hell she didn't feel the same way for him. He'd seen it written all over her face every time he touched her, kissed her, or made love to her. It was pure pride and stupidity that made him wait this long.

The driver pulled up in front of the EuroSport building and Leland made a mad dash for the inside. Walking up to the receptionist, he told her he'd like to talk to Katherine Taylor.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"No, but this is an emergency. Please tell her Leland Peters is downstairs."

Frantically looking around the downstairs reception, Leland hoped to catch a glimpse of his girl. A moment later, the reception gave him instructions to take the elevator to the twenty-second floor and tell the receptionist there that he was to see John Fitzpatrick.

"But I want to see Katherine Taylor."

"Please, just follow this procedure. I do only what the people upstairs tells me to do."

After following her instructions, Leland was ushered into a large office that had a small man behind an over-sized desk.

"Leland Peters?" the little man asked.

"Yes, sir," Leland reached over the desk to shake the man's hand.

"What can I do for you? As you know, we let mystery authors have a spot to promote their books when they are sports mysteries. As I hear, your new book is not."

"Actually, it is. But that's not why I'm here. I am looking for a friend of mine, Katherine Taylor. I would really like to see her please."

"How do you know Miss Taylor?"

"We grew up together. I am surprising her as a belated birthday gift. It is very important that I see her."

John studied Leland for a moment before he spoke again, "Unfortunately, Miss Taylor is no longer with us."

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