Chapter 5

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Curse of the Peters Brothers


"Yo, I'll tell you what I want. What I really really want! So tell me what you want what you really really want!" Jane, Emma, Lizzie, and Kit sang at the top of her lungs, dancing around the family room in their Spice Girls pajamas.

"Ok, if you could be any Spice Girl, who would you be?" Emma asked Kit.

"Posh! Definitely Posh!" Kit laughed.

"Why?" asked Jane.

"Because, she's dating David Beckham! He's only the best soccer player in the world. Then I'd have him teach me some of his stuff," was Kit's reply.

"That's so typical an answer for you," Lizzy teased.

"Well, who would you be?" she's going to say Baby Spice, Kit thought.

"Without a doubt I'd be Baby. I look just like her."

"Let's watch Spice World!" Jane suggested.

They did a slumber party every Friday night where all four of them would pull out sleeping bags and sleep in the family room. It was Kit's favorite night of the week.

"No, not again. Let's play a game," Lizzie suggested.

"Well, what do you want to play?" Jane asked.

"Truth or Dare!" Emma suggested, Kit groaned while the other two jumped up and down with excitement.

"I'll start," said Lizzie. "Emma, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to call Leland and pretend that you're Missy MacFarland and tell him you're outside of his window and you want to come in!" Lizzie giggled uncontrollably.

"Give me the phone," Emma commanded. Then she dialed the number for Leland's bedroom phone and waited until he answered. At fifteen years old, it was most likely that he would still be awake at two in the morning.

"Hello?' he answered.

"Leland? This is Missy MacFarland," Emma said, making her voice sound just like Fran Drescher, but southern.

"Hi, Missy. It's a little late, what are you up to?" he asked politely.

"Well, Leland. I'm outside of your window and I would really like to come in," Emma giggled just like Missy would. Her giggle even sounded like the Nanny!

"Give me a couple of minutes to get rid of my brother and then you can come in, Sugar."

Emma didn't know what to say so she hung up quickly and burst into a fit of laughter, holding her stomach.

"What did he say?" Kit asked.

"He said to wait a couple of minutes while he got rid of his brother and then to come in."

"Oh," Kit commented, but her face fell noticeably.

"Kit," Emma said when the chuckling stopped, "Truth or Dare?"

Not wanting to have to tell the truth about anything her sister would ask her, "Dare," Kit groaned. She really hated this stupid game.

"Ok, I dare you to go sneak in Leland's bedroom window and kiss him goodnight!" Emma exclaimed with a giddy laugh.

"No way! We're not allowed to leave the house!" Kit protested.

"We can sneak out. Mom and dad will never even know. But we all know how badly you want to kiss him goodnight," Emma winked.

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