Chapter 15

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It had been a long day at work. Her boss was suffering from an ulcer, therefore making everyone suffer along with her. Finally walking up to her apartment, Emma breathed a sigh of relief at the quiet evening that awaited her. A quiet dinner alone and then sleep. Once inside, she wasted no time taking off her shoes to ease her throbbing feet, she flopped back on the recliner that adorned her living room.

In another six months, she could take the experience she gained from this office and go anywhere she wanted. This wasn't how she'd dreamed her life would be. When she chose interior design as her career choice she never imagined herself running all over the city in high heels to pick up dry cleaning for the boss, only to have her throw her coffee on the dry cleaning on purpose, because it wasn't clean enough. Fortunately enough for her, there were plenty of opportunities to actually work in interior design, she just needed experience. Many of the more senior employees were in over their heads with work, giving Emma tasks she was qualified to handle.

The loneliness gripped Emma like a vice as she sat idly in her living room chair. Memories of Ewen and the dreams of the family they should have had, tore at her from the inside out. It was the same thing every night until she fell asleep. Fatigue made the emptiness seem much more tangeble. She willed the tears back, as she faught herself out of this stupor.

Just as Emma was relaxing into a state of sleep, a knock sounded at the front door. She groaned and pulled herself up to answer it. Looking through the peep hole, she saw a man there holding a bouquet of red roses.

Damn it, if Ewen was behind this... she wasn't sure what she'd do.

"Who is it?"

"I have flowers for Miss Emma Taylor?" the man behind the flowers stated.

"Who are they from?" she asked through the door. She'd seen enough cable television to know not to open the door to a stranger.

"There's a card that goes with them. I'd leave them on the doorstep," he told her, probably sensing her discomfort, "but I need you to sign for them."

"If you make one move to enter this apartment, I will dismember you," she threatened.

"I got it."

Tentatively, she opened the door, "Can I check the card first?"


Emma grabbed the card and ripped it open, it read:

From your secret admirer,

Jack Spencer

"Who is Jack Spencer? And why on earth would he tell me who he is if it's a secret?" she asked.

"There's a phone number on the back of the card."

"Thank you," she took the flowers and went inside.

Jack Spencer? I have no idea who he is. Should I call him?

Curiosity won over so she picked up her phone and dialed the number that was written on the back of the card.

"Jack Spencer."

"Mr. Spencer, it seems that someone must have delivered some flowers to me by mistake."

"Is this Miss Taylor?"

"Yes it is."

"Then they are in the right hands," she heard him chuckle.

"Do I know you?" she asked reluctantly.

"We've never met, but I'd like to meet you in person. I just really want a date, with you."

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