Chapter 6

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"Hey, man. Where have you been?" Ewen asked Leland as he walked through the door.


"Have you gone to see Kit yet? She's been pretty anxious to see you."

"Nope." Leland replied acidly. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Let alone Ewen. Not after what happened last night. And then this morning.

"Dude, what is your problem?" Ewen snapped when he wasn't getting any real answers from his brother.

"No problem."

But Leland wouldn't look at him. "Something's eating you. What is it?" Ewen was confused. He and Leland had always been really close and he wasn't giving him an inch right now.

"You, ok? Y'all are pissing me off right now!" Leland tried to just let it go but obviously he couldn't. All he could think about was the two of them last night.

"What the hell did I do?" Ewen complained.

"She's gone. Ok?" Leland finally answered him gruffly. Yes, Kit was gone and no one knew why. She just packed up and left.

"Who? Who's gone?"

Leland slammed his hand down on the counter and finally looked his brother in the eye, "Hell-Kat. She's gone. I went to go say 'hello' and Emma said she left and she wouldn't be coming back," Leland yelled at Ewen.

"Why? Why would she leave?" Ewen's head reeled and he had to sit down. Why would she leave and not say goodbye to him? Was this about what happened last night? He felt like a tool. He should have eased her in slowly, or at least given her a bit of a warning before laying it on her like that, but now he felt like a jerk.

"Something happen last night?" Leland asked. He already knew but he wanted to hear it from Ewen. Maybe they fought after Leland left.

"Why would you assume it's my fault?" Ewen shot back, "Just because I was the last one to see her here doesn't make this my fault!"

Leland didn't know what to say, he hid his face so that Ewen wouldn't see his face.

"I just don't understand why she left," he said, defeated. "I just watched her drive off without so much as a tap on the brakes." The two of them fell into a silence, it was deafening. Until Ewen cut into it.

"I gotta find her, man. I can't stop thinking about her. All the time! I can't stop thinking about those legs. The kind of legs a guy just wants to get between and...." he left his suggestion linger on purpose, "Her perfectly shaped... well you know!... and she wanted it last night let me tell you." he didn't get to finish that thought because Leland punched him right in the jaw. Ewen was so shocked he didn't know what to say.

Ryan walked in at that moment and saw Ewen laying on the floor holding his face and grunting. Blood was just starting to spill out from his mouth.

"What happened?" Ryan asked, but Leland ignored him.

Leland stood over his brother and pulled him up off the floor by his collar, and pinned him against the wall, "Never! Talk about Hell-Kat like that again! You hear me? Never again!" He smashed his brother against the wall one more time for emphasis before letting him go.

Leland had never been so angry in his entire life. He left the house and got in the car, not really knowing where he was going. He just knew he needed to get the hell out of there.



It was black and she was still going down. She'd long since quit fighting the water. It seemed the more she fought it, the deeper she sank. All she could think about was how she would have done things differently if she knew she'd die three months before her thirtieth birthday.

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