Chapter 14

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Feeling like Cinderella, Kit danced the night away with Ewen as her partner. He was very attentive throughout the whole evening, making sure she always had something to drink and being sure to include her in all conversation with his friends.

By the time he brought her home she was exhausted. Her feet were killing her in the high heels that were much higher than she was used to and she had danced so much that she was starting to get hungry.

"Did you have a good time, Kitten?" Ewen asked as he opened the car door for her.

"I did. You were a wonderful date, Ewen."

"Listen, can we talk for a few minutes?" he asked.

"Sure we can," she beamed.

He put his hand in the small of her back and led her to the bench in the garden separating their yards. Ewen kept looking around the yard as if he were nervous about something. When his eyes focused on something briefly, he turned and gave her his undivided attention. "Kitten, I... I love you."

Utterly shocked, Kit just stared at him wide eyed, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

"I know this is sudden, but it shouldn't be. I thought I made my intentions clear," he ran a hand through his golden hair, "I want to be with you. I'm leaving for college soon and you'll be going up to Atlanta for school and well.... I want you to be my girl."

She still had no idea what to say, "Ewen... wow, I..." she shook her head to clear her thoughts. This wasn't good. Romance had never crossed her mind with this Peters boy. Ewen had always been more of a brother than a boyfriend. "I like you Ewen, but not in that way."

Ewen swiftly looked back in the direction he had been looking before and then looked back at her, "I understand. I should probably get going now."

"Ewen, I'm sorry if I let you down," tears were forming behind her eyes. This was not how she saw this evening ending. Everything had been perfect until now.

"Don't be sorry for how you don't feel, Kitten. I hope I didn't spoil your night."

"You could never ruin my night, Ewen. I'm flattered that you think of me that way."

All Ewen did was smile mischievously and say good night before he ambled easily over to his car and drove home. Kit ran inside and changed her clothes quickly, no longer tired. What she needed was some time out on the dock, looking at the stars. Thinking.

This was so unexpected of Ewen. How could she possibly be with Ewen when she has feelings for Leland? How could she ever be with Leland, if ever he wanted her, and know how Ewen felt about her? She couldn't. It would destroy the relationships of all involved. She had to tell Hopsey how she felt about him and be honest to Ewen about her feelings for his brother, but how could she without causing a wedge in the Peters family?

Deep in thought as she lay in the hammock, Kit heard some shuffling behind her. Her breath caught knowing it was Leland. All she could think about was the last time they shared this hammock, just before Christmas. She wanted a repeat more than anything. Maybe even more.

The shuffling stopped behind her so she smiled and flirtatiously asked, "Are you going to stand back there all night or are you going to join me here?"


It wasn't Leland. As a matter of fact that nauseating voice was so distinctive she would know it anywhere.

"Missy? What are you doing here so late?" Kit asked, sitting up in confusion.

"I was just over at Leland's house. He called as soon as he reached town and asked me to come over," she laughed to herself. "He must have really missed me and boy did he show me how much."

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