Chapter 12

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"Yeah?" Leland answered his phone.

"Hi honey, how are you holding up?" asked his mother through the line.

"Holding up from what?" he snapped. He was so sick of people calling him and asking how he was doing. So his best friend disappeared without a trace, no note, no forwarding address, nothing.  Taking his heart, along with his brother's, with her. So what? He could move on from this, there were plenty of fish in the sea. Plenty of fish with much more variety than red frizzy hair, moldy green eyes, and who isn't just an inch taller than a midget. Now that he thought about it, Katherine Rose Taylor probably got a good look in the mirror and joined the other freaks in the circus! That would make a whole lot of sense.

"Leland, you know what I'm asking. Have you heard from her yet?"

"Nope," he answered, popping the "P".

"Have you tried-"

"Mom, she doesn't want to talk to me or Ewen or even you ok? She abandoned us. That doesn't fly with me."

"Leland, I know you're hurt right now, but I don't want this to come between you and Ewen. Maybe you should talk to him."

"It's not coming between us, mom. Ewen and I are fine!"

"If you're fine, then why don't you talk to him? Before you accuse Kit of anything, maybe you should talk this out with your brother."

"Mom, I have a class to get to. I'll talk to you later."

"Leland Grant Peters, if you hang up this phone I will drive up there right now and take you over my knee. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," he resigned on a sigh.

"I know Kit like she was my own daughter and she would never just leave without a goodbye unless she had a damned good reason! Now, I wanted to tell you that I spoke with Cindy Taylor this morning and she is going to give me her number so you can call her," Molly shouted into the phone with excitement.

"Mom, I'm not going to say this again," Leland gritted out through clenched teeth, "I don't want to talk to her. If she feels the need to call me then she will. I won't force the issue and I'm certainly not going to chase her."

"Leland, I'm disappointed in your attitude. If the situation were reversed, she would at least give you a minute to explain herself."

The truth of it is, he didn't want to hear her explanation for fear of knowing the truth. It would kill him if she knew of his feelings for her and left because she didn't feel the same. Or worse, that she felt that way about his brother. How can he compete with that? He couldn't. He wouldn't.

"I'm disappointed that my very best friend could break my brother's heart like that without a word."

"And that she could break your heart Leland? That's what this is about, isn't it? You're hurt that she left you without a word. The way you're dealing with it is by pointing the finger of blame on Kit without knowing the whole story. Leland, call her."

Leland sighed, "I can't mom," he was having a hard time holding his composure. Anger coming in brilliant shades of red as Molly took Kit's side on this. She was his mom. She should be taking his side!

His mother was absolutely right. He should call her. But he was just too stubborn to admit t.

"Just think about it Leland."

"Ok, mom. I'm late for class now. I'll call you later."

He still preferred the theory that she joined the circus and put her ugly frizzy red hair and freakish eyes to the entertainment of young children. That cackle of her's alone would make the lions and tigers roar in pain. Not that he truly believed any of that, but it made him feel better.

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