Chapter 13

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"Just one more nail should do the trick," said Hopsey as he hammered away on the makeshift table they made in the cave out of fallen branches they cut down to size.

"Ok but then we really need to bring my dad's hammer back. He was looking for it this morning and I almost had a heart attack trying to get out of there before I had to lie to him!" Kit told him.

"Quit acting like such a baby!"

She punched him in the shoulder making him cringe back from the pain of it. She had a habit of leaving bruises on his arm. Sure he deserved them. Most of the time, but they still hurt. "I'm not a baby! I turn nine next Saturday!"

"Whatever. I won't let you get into trouble. I promise," Hopsey assured her. "And if you ever hit me again I'll hit you back!"

"You would never hit me Hopsey! You're mom would skin you alive!"

"Want to try me?" he dared her though he knew it was an idol threat.

So she punched him again but on the other shoulder and said, "Sure!" with her hands on her hips in a sassy voice.

Fuming he growled at her, "Nevermind!" then went back to work with two wounded shoulders. Then he turned his head from her to hide the tears that were drawn from the sting.

"Did I really hurt you, Hopsey?" she whispered as she tenderly stroked the incriminating blemmish on his left arm. She sounded like she would start crying at any moment.

"No. It's the sting that made my eyes water. I'm fine."

"I wouldn't ever hurt you on purpose," she promised.

"I know, Hell-Kat. I'm fine, now let's finish this table so we can have picnics in here," he smiled to put her mind to rest.

"How long do you think this table will last?" she asked, clearly her attention span had moved on to more important things as he put the finishing touches on the table and put it down on all fours.

"Forever. This is a great table. Look," he pointed to the chairs they made the week before and pulled them up to the table that was now finished, "the chairs fit perfectly!"

"Great job Hopsey!" she jumped up and hugged him and he hugged her back tightly.

Leland hugged her back and then started to tickle her in all of her most ticklish places. Under her arms, her sides, near her belly button, and under her chin. She roared with laughter and wiggled to get free, but Hopsey was too big and strong for her to get away.

"Give?" he asked as he kept tickling her.

"Never!" she sqealed.

"I can do this all day, Hell-Kat!"

"I don't give up!" She shrieked as she roared with laughter.

He paused, held up those deadly assault weapons he calls fingers and then went in for the kill. Leland put one hand under her chin and she clamped her head down, pinning his hand in there like she always did, and the other hand tickled the spot above her knees.

"Fine! I give! I give!"



Hand in hand, Leland and Kit walked through the Peters' yard pausing for a moment by Charlie's swamp.

"Is Charlie still living in there?" Hell-Kat asked Leland.

"Yeah, he's still there. I come out here a lot and sit with him," he smiled at Kit, "the greatest gator in the world."

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