Chapter 1

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Curse of the Peters Brothers

Chapter One


"When I give you the signal run. Run as fast as you can! Whatever you do don't let them catch you!" whispered Warren sternly, the eldest Peters boy.

They both counted to three in their heads and he pointed her in the right direction. Silently Kit ran as fast as she could. She reached the place where they held them. All lined up against a wall with a guard out front. It would be tough. She had to get this right or it would be all over.

She laid down on her belly and began an army crawl to get as close as she could without being spotted.

Cole Peters, the youngest, spotted her first and grinned from ear to ear so Kit put her forefinger over her mouth as a signal for silence. Then she pointed at Leland, her best friend and third of the Peters brood. Cole, bless his heart discreetly nodded his head toward Kit. Leland nodded once to show her he knew what to do and leaned down to whisper to Cole. There were four others there waiting for a rescue, all of them neighbors from various parts of the neighborhood. Her sister Emma being one of them.

When Leland stood back up Cole pointed in the opposite direction and shouted, "Look! Here she comes!" and all of the team members looked at Cole and shushed him, hoping to throw off the guard. The guard went on alert and ran off towards the area where Cole pointed. That's the beauty of having a seven year old on your team while playing capture the flag. Especially one as smart as Cole. Kit and Leland always made sure that Cole was on their team so he wouldn't feel left out. This time it had payed off. They were unbeatable so far this summer.

When the guard, Ewen Peters (number four), ran off in the opposite direction, Kit made a quick run over to their prison and set them all free. Leland pointed to where their flag was being held and told Kit, "Run past them as fast as you can and don't get caught. I'll make a grab for the flag."

"Easy," she responded. Kit was the fastest runner. They all knew it because of the many, many, many races they held in their backyards.

Emma came to her side quickly and said, "I'll go first. They'll catch me and then you can distract the rest from Leland. Ready?" When Kit nodded, Emma said, "Go!"

She did just what Leland told her to do. She distracted the two guards who were assigned to protect the flag and they both ran after her. Idiots! She ran to the opposite side of the boundaries. She knew where Leland would run. This was their game. No one else's.

Leland got the flag and ran through the outskirts of the game's boundaries knowing no one would go that close to the pond because of Charlie, The eight foot alligator that lived there. He did a quick look around the water and spotted him on the other side sunbathing. Knowing this was his chance he took off on a sprint and made it over their line and up to their base waving the red polka dotted boxers up as high as he could.

"We win!" Shouted Warren. "We captured your flag!"

"You guys cheated!" whined Clint, number four Peters. As they all ran to witness for themselves that they had the correct flag.

"We did not!" yelled Cole.

"That's right! We won fair and square!" announced Emma.

"How did you get them out of prison?" Ewen asked.

"Kit. She got us out when you weren't looking," said Leland eyeing her proudly.

"Whatever. Rematch next Saturday!" shouted Ryan, the fifth Peters boy. He was the same age as Kit and in the same classes. Leland was two years older and He and Kit were attached at the hip, even at ten and twelve years old.

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