Levi 26

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Shit. Shit. Shit. 

I knew it. I should have known better. I should have faced this confrontation sooner than later to save myself from this hot mess. I should have locked the bedroom door, kicked Rosie out of the room, out of this house, out of my life.

Well, the kicking her out of my life has been working so far right up to this moment when she decided to barge into my life once again and severed whatever precious bonds that bound me to Brooke. I couldn't blame her though.

Because it was me. I always fuck things up no matter what. 

"She's all I wanted, Liz. I'll choose her over and over again among a sea of people." I deadpanned, my gaze not leaving Rosie not because I wanted to look and address her in the eye. The reason simply being I couldn't bring myself to gaze down at Brooke right now. I am so close to losing her any minute now and I didn't want to acknowledge that fact. 

Or maybe I've already lost her when the few malicious words rolled off Rosie's tongue.

Rosie all but sneered at me, her hair still dripping wet from the incessant rain that seemed to fuel the brewing storm inside of the house with its roaring craze. "You and I both know that isn't true. There's always an endless string of boyfriends and girlfriends that follow you around like lovesick puppies before you toss them aside and pursue a better one. Why settle this one for good? You've never behaved that way before."

My blood boiled at her words. She doesn't get to refer Brooke as an object, a plaything. My past was a sharp slap across my face, opening old wounds leaving me raw and stinging. "I was lost and confused. I'm not what I used to be anymore," I growled, trying to defend myself even though Brooke had gone slack in my arms.

"If only people could change that easily, Lev. That being said, we have unfinished business." Is she for serious? I kind of want to punch her in the face to silence whatever bullshit she was spewing out of her mouth now.

"I have nothing to do with you," I snarled as I removed myself from my anchor. "You're nothing to me and I will not allow you to fucking ruin my life for a second time."

The growing evil smirk on her lips was getting unbearable by each passing second. My warning fell on dead ears as she leaned against the door frame, her icy cold eyes lingering on us and for a fleeting moment I thought I saw hurt flashed across them. "How about the kiss we last shared, Lev? At my birthday party on my bed?"

I saw red and an animalistic growl rumbled through me. I instantly sprung at Rosie but I wasn't quick enough to tear her into shreds. "Just cut it!"

I froze on the spot at Brooke's shrill scream. "Look; no, babe, it isn't what it looks like-"

"Then what the hell does it look like?!" My girlfriend yelled at me while hugging her head with both of her palms. To my horror, her face was scrunched up like a paper ball; her shoulders visibly shaking with every large gulp of air she took. "Liz? Lev? You guys are on nickname basis now?"

Oh god, no. It wasn't like this at all. "Brooke, please listen to me. I can expla-"


Her whisper was so soft that I nearly missed it amidst her wounded sniffles and sobs.

"I don't know you, Levi. I don't." No, please, all you have to do is listen. "Please leave."

To make matters worse, Teddy chose the perfect timing to wake up from his slumber. "Book? Levy?"

"It's time for you to go home, Teddy," her voice was strained with a tight smile plastered onto her face. Her refusal to meet my eyes broke something inside of me.

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