I sneeze and the snot flies out of nose like a bullet from a gun, except it starts to drip down my nose instead of head to Kai's shoes (he should be eternally grateful for that but he refuses to admit he is) We look between us all before I ask the question, "Do we have any tissues?"

They both shake their head in negative and I sigh in response and clamber up so I can walk into the cave when we decide to enter. Irene pushes me down again, "You're staying here."

"I'll die from hyperthermia!" I screech back at her considering the snow has started to melt on me and water is dripping down my back as if my spine was drain pipe.

"It is not going to be ,ugh better in a cave Ol." Kai shoots back in response in hope it could get me to back down. It doesn't.

"I won't continue getting soaked or is that what you want me to do. Get so wet I die out here while you and Irene celebrate because you no longer have to deal with me!"

"So are you telling me you are well enough to go in?" Kai shoots back while Irene backs away from both of us not wanting to get near the argument.

"Kai, I know more about this than anyone. If I do not go in you will find the wrong book and this will all be a disaster!" I scream back. I can feel the hold over my emotions swaying back and forth but I keep hold onto the red string before it slips out. Kai however keeps pulling at, being persistant and idiotic like he always is.

"You really think that lowly of me?" He asks, he looks hurt at my words before he straightens back out, "I'm not letting in because you slow us down Ol. I can find this book and I will prove to you to that I am not as worthless as you think."

I feel the control snap and my breath hitches, "Me? Worthless?" I place my hand over my soul before I glare at him, "I wouldn't slow us down, this whole chat and you are Kai! You know if you can't even look past and give up maybe you are worthless!"

Each word is drenched in venom to reach his heart and I turn around, flipping my hair, and heading in the cave. I thought it was one petty argument and the first of many but when Kai spoke the next words my heart froze and my feet halted to a stop despite my internal screeching to forget it, to walk away.

"You remind me of Alex."

My control snaps and I find my magic starts to spill out of me. It starts as picking up a few rocks and trees and swinging them around but soon as my magic starts to take control the pink strings start heading their way to Kai. My eyesight slowly started to fade in and out of pink while my head starts to feel fuzzy and for once I do not try and stop the incoming panic as I let it cloud over my thoughts.

Kai took one look at Olie when she walked off and wanted to regret his action. Yet all he could feel was a layer of smugness until the pink strings started to arrive from nowhere. Suddenly he did the only thing he could think of and ran forward kicking her in the ribs hoping it would snap her out of the state she had buried herself into.

Irene was tugging at his arm and screaming at him to let her go and calm down but all Kai could focus on was the layering anger at Olie. When she gave him one hard tug and a cry of pleas before he sighed and gave in, watching as Olie started to calm down and head out of her panic.

The guilt clawed at him as he stared when she crumpled onto the floor from the lack of energy and looked at him pleadingly before she crashed once again to the floor, head hitting the floor

When I open my eyes again, I'm in a sleeping bag wrapped up by a campfire with consistant chatter around me. I sit up and whack the mug of hot chocolate off and onto the floor. I stare at it for a minute when I rub my forehead, the pain that was long due hammering in all at once. I look up to be faced with the brutal reminder I am not in the cave with Astoria snuggled with me but instead on the wet muddy floor of a forest while Irene and Kai pare me glances of concern while they are perched on a log sipping their beverages as well.

Kai notices me sitting up and looks at Irene (who only nudges him). He slips off the rock so we are on the same ground and looks at me with pure sadness before he pulls out a straight face. I bite my lip scared for what he's about to tell me.

"Olie..." He looks at Irene for help who nods in reassurance before he faces me again. He has bitten his lip so hard blood has begun to trickle down it. I raise my hand and cut him off smiling slightly. My mind has already set itself on the fact I am going to apologize to Kai for screaming at him and promise to never do it again just like we normally do. The fingertips begin to flicker into a soothing green when he presses my hand back.

"Olie... I.. We need to do something.." I look at him and my eyes find water gathering in them. The salty water trickles down my cheek and he wipes them off, "You know what I'm going to say..."

My wide eyes look at him and betray me by pleading him to not say anything more and not confirm my suspicion but the words that leave my lips are another story, "Say it." I choke out when tears start to stream down at a massive rate and I cannot find it in me when Kai lets go of me and shuffles back, "I.. I don't want to continue a relationship with you. It's for the best of this mission, we can't let our own mistakes get in the way of saving Astoria."

I nod and the tears continue to fall when I can no longer deny that the feeling I felt are no longer returned. Even though it's ended I yearn for it all to be a prank. I turn over to Irene and she wordlessly heads and links arms with Kai, "I'm sorry Olie." Is all she can muster before tears silently fall down her face as well. Kai is the last one to show the sign that doing this has harmed him emotionally in any way but soon even his walls begin to fall and we all just stare at each other.

"Is this what you really want?" I ask quietly in a desperate hope to patch back up what's been fixed. Irene nods shakingly while Kai can't make eye contact.

"It's for the best I think." Is all she says before she goes back to the log where Kai follows and burrows herself into him. All I can do is watch and try to accept the bitter truth that I'm no longer wanted but even when it is right in my mind.

How was I idiotic enough to loose them?

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