Forced Heart Attack.

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Bunny moves in her sleep and Luke raise his eyebrow, "I knew that the minute you pulled her away from me. Scared I might break her?"

I laugh, "Scared? I'm already breaking her. I like to break people slowly unlike you who likes to break them in one week."

I throw my cards, "I quit, you can have the money."

"How about we have some fun before you leave?" I look at the woman and tilt my head to the side, "What's your name again? I forgot."

She starts laughing, "You can't be serious."

She stops laughing and her smile drops when she realizes I'm serious, "You're serious? It's Madi."

I stand up with Bunny in my arms, "Follow me."

She stands up and points at Bunny, "Why can't you leave her here?"

I look at her and then at Bunny, "If I were to leave her here she will be nothing but an overused body. These men will have their fun with her. No one can fun with her until I'm done with her."

I walk to a room and drop Bunny on the bed. She slowly opens her eyes and then screams, "W-What are you doing?!"

"How was your nap?" I take my shirt off and she gets off of the bed. She runs to a corner and I sit down on the bed.

Madi walks in and locks the door. "Where's your pet?"

I point towards Bunny, "She's in the corner."

She walks towards me and straddles me, "Are you jealous of Bunny?"

She kisses my neck, "She was getting all of your attention. You forgot all about me."

She takes her clothes off and I take my pants off. She puts her hand on my dick, "Are you saying you want to be my pet?"

She looks at me, "I'm saying I want to be by your side. All the attention you give her. Give it to me."

I grab her by the shoulders and she screams as I flip us over. She looks at me and laughs, "Done talking?"

I look over at Bunny and she has her back to us.

"Do you want to know why I keep her by my side?" I kiss her neck and she lets out a soft moan, "Why?"

I kiss down to her right breast and put her nipple in my mouth. She arches her back and I kiss back up to her neck.

"She attracts both male and female. She makes my victims come to me without any of them even knowing. Like now, she helped me catcher my next person."

I put her arms above her head and she wraps her legs around my waist, "Really? Who did you get?"

I look at her and smile, "You."

Confusion crosses her face, "What? Me?"

I look up and see that the bed already has handcuffs on the headboard. I laugh as I put her hands in the handcuffs.

She lets out a nervous laugh, "Y-You're joking, right?"

I get off the bed and put my pants back on, "Get over here."

I look at Bunny and she doesn't move, "Do you want me to come get you?"

She slowly stands up and walks towards me. "Sit down on the bed and face her."

"You're the one I have to kill." She pulls at the handcuffs, "What?! You definitely have to be joking?! What the fuck did I do?!"

I feel my pockets for my phone and pull it out, "I think his name is Mr.Bind."

I've Become Like HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang