Chapter 27

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I blindly reached behind me, feeling for a body, my hand caught only air though.

Sleep still clouded my senses as I rolled over in a huff. Glancing at my alarm clock, I groaned when I saw that it was nearly past six in the morning.

Why am I awake so early? And why has Kjell already left?

My eyes focused on the ceiling while I slowly woke up. My mind slowly started functioning as I woke up more.

I found my cheeks burning as I recalled the events of the previous night. I can't believe that happened. Despite my shock, I felt myself smiling like a lovesick school girl. I hope things don't become awkward between us. Last night was one of the best nights of my life.

Recently, I haven't felt the overwhelming urge to jump right into my morning ritual. And today was like that. So instead I pulled the covers up to my chin and enjoyed the softness of my mattress and my sheets.

Although I was lost in thought, I heard footsteps walk down the hallway, towards my room.

My door handle moved and my door opened.  Blonde hair and teal eyes peered into my room.

A boyish smirk rested on Bash's face. "Got room for one more?" He asked, making a show of looking around my empty room.

I sat up and patted the huge empty spot that Kjell had occupied a couple of hours ago.

Bash wasted no time in shutting my door and falling face-first into the pillows.

I noticed he wore the same clothes as yesterday and his hair was spiked and crazy as if he had been running his hands through it a lot.

"Is everything alright?" I asked Bash, my hands moved on their own accord, and started rubbing his back.

He nodded into the pillow. His hands coming around to clutch the pillow tightly. He moved his head to the side so he could speak. "I just didn't sleep well."

I took one look at the dark bags under his eyes and chuckled, "Did you get any sleep at all?"

Although he didn't answer verbally, his smirk said enough. His face returned to fully covered by my pillow.

My hands continued rubbing his back for a couple of minutes until I heard his slightly muffled snores.

Not wanting to bother him, I carefully climbed out of bed, grabbed a change of clothes, and locked myself in my bathroom.

The next thirty minutes were spent under the warm stream of my shower head. The water washing over my pale skin and soap running down my toned legs.

Once satisfied that I was clean, I got out of the shower. My long red hair took a bit to brush through. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and did anything else that I usually do in the morning. Though it didn't feel like a ritual.

I padded over to my clean clothes. Some black mesh leggings, a black sweatshirt, and some new underthings that I recently purchased.

I jolted slightly as I left the bathroom and noticed my bed had some new occupants.

Next to Bash, I saw carbon copies deep into sleep. The twin's auburn hair splayed out on my dark pillowcases.

I took a minute to appreciate my gorgeous men currently passed out on the bed. 

As I approached the door, I felt eyes on me. Turning slightly, I caught one of the twins smiling at me. Aspen. I concluded.

"Hey." He nodded at me and slowly sat up.

"Hi," I said kind of awkwardly. I stepped closer to him so we didn't wake the others. "Not that I mind it, but why are you two in here?"

Aspen looked over at his passed out twin. "We just got back and wanted to sleep in here." I felt as if there was something Aspen was holding something back when I saw a flicker of worry cross his features.

"Everything alright?" I tilted my head curiously.

He slowly lifted his head before he spoke, "honestly?" He shrugged. "Not really. But neither of us care to get into it right now as we are both tired as shit."

"Anything I can help with?" I felt an overwhelming urge to do whatever it took to made that sad look disappear from Aspens usually stoic face.

Again, another look at his brothers sleeping face, before he returned eye contact. "Lay between us? Not to sound weird but your smell is really soothing."

He needn't say no more, as I carefully crawled over his lap and settled between him and his brother.

I somehow fit perfectly between them.

Pulling the covers up, I tucked myself in underneath them, and cozied up to Oakley's sleeping form.

Aspen did the same, laying underneath the covers and pressed himself up against me from behind.

Surprise flickered through me as Aspen threw a possessive arm over my waist.

In the couple of months I've known all of these six, not once has Aspen snuggled me, or even slept in the same bed as me.

The bed shifted behind me as Aspen leaned over to lightly nip my ear. The action sending shivers down my spine. "Careful with those thoughts there Grimm." He whispered. "Don't think we didn't hear about your night. Wouldn't want a reenactment, now would we?"

My cheeks burned as I turned to see a mischievous glint in his purple eyes.

How could he possibly know about that?

"Your thoughts were pretty loud as you showered." Aspen cleared that up for me thanks to his special access to my mind.

I glared lightly at him. He returned my glare with a light kiss on my nose. The action surprised me entirely.

He grinned at me before setting his head down on the pillow and lightly tugging me back against him, something poked me in the thigh that I tried to ignore.

I turned back around and found another pair of purple eyes staring at me with humor dancing in his iris's.

Oakley's hand slide around my thigh before he pulled himself flush against me so I was sandwiched between the two.

Their scent of sweet and spicy aged wine danced around my nose as I fell asleep again. Content and Happy.

Thank you for reading Chapter 27. I hope you liked this chapter. Make sure to have a great rest of the week!
~Until Next Chapter

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