Chapter 3

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"My balls have officially frozen," Erik complained as he shifted next to me.

"Oh good, thought I was the only one," Aspen grumbled from a distance away. Oakley snickered at his twin's pain.

Not even seconds later, I heard the distinct sound of a punch. Aspen probably punching Oakley.

"Silence," I said half-heartedly. It really was cold out here.

Then again it is the dead of winter in Minnesota. Who was stupid enough to be outside in 10 degree weather? Oh right, us.

The twins grumbled some curses but they eventually shut up.

More movement from inside the house caught our attention.

"This is fucking stupid," I heard Aspen complain.

I rolled my eyes before speaking. "May I remind you that we have no choice. He threatened the peace and this doesn't seem like too difficult of a job. Now, does anyone have eyes on the target?" I whispered, knowing the dragon and the twins could still hear me.

"Yeah, one of the curtains in the back room just opened," Kjell responded. "What's the target description?" His voice sounded shocked.

"Fucking reptiles," I muttered before repeating the description for the hundredth time. Okay not really, more like the third, but still it was annoying. "Red hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Target will have a scar running across the collarbone."

I heard Kjell gasp lightly.

"What?" Erik asked, scrunching his eyebrows while shifting his weight again.

"Did anyone know our target is a girl?" Kjell asked. Both Erik and I turned and looked at each other.

"This doesn't change anything." Aspen hissed. He's always soo pleasant.

"Kinda does," Oakley muttered. We all heard Aspen punch him again. "Ow," Oakley whined.

This does change things. Well complicates them really. The asshole who forced us to do this said this would be an easy snatch and grab. Now we have to worry about morales and all that shit.

For another hour, we all listened silently as the house awoke with her movement. After getting ready, she finally left her house. She climbed into her old jeep and left.

Erik and I watched her pull away from our position near the front of the house. Once it was clear she wasn't coming back, we gave the "all-clear" signal to the others.

We saw the twins rise up from where they were sitting by a bush on the other side of the house.

Kjell got up from his spot, behind the house, and joined us upfront.

"Okay, you two idiots," I pointed at the twins, "are gonna station on either side of the house in case she tries to run. Erik and I will station in the bedroom and Kjell you'll be in the living room." They needed no more instructions as they broke off to their stations.

The twins split off to either side of the house, while Kjell, Erik, and I went and picked the lock to the front door, and walked inside.

The cleanliness of the house immediately caught my attention. Everything was very well organized and everything was carefully and thoughtfully in their place. The house was bordering on scary.

"Wow." Erik whistled.

"Okay, slight adjustment, no one touches anything," I said while clicking the lock back into place on the front door.

Kjell nodded his agreement as he went to find a place to hide in the living room.

Erik and I made our way to the back of the house, studying the house as we went.

While the place was well kept, you could still see the age of the house. It seemed to have been made in the 90's. The furniture was old but well kept. It's a nice and cozy place, I decided, as we finally arrived at her bedroom.

"Holy shit." Erik cursed as he went and sat down on the bed. "She really likes things neat."

"She obviously doesn't get that from her father," I said as I strolled over to what I thought to be a closet.

Sure enough, when I opened it, I discovered a small and very neat walk-in closet.

"How would you know?" Erik asked as he slightly bounced on her bed.

"I met him once." I took one of her sweatshirts off the hanger and held it in front of me.

Judging by the twenty-plus sweatshirts in here, she must love her sweatshirts.  I put the sweatshirt back and started looking through at her other clothing.

Her closet consisted mostly of jeans and many different colors of sweatshirts. Some of them even had funny texts on them. In the far back of her closet, the clothes were all black. Black jeans, black hoodies, black long sleeves, and black shoes.

So she must do something that requires all black.

"When did you meet him?" Erik asked. I couldn't see him but I could tell he was probably looking around her room too.

"A year or two ago." I sighed as I walked up to a dresser and opened it. The unmentionable drawer. I couldn't help but smirk as I closed the drawer and kept looking in the other drawers. 

The last drawer caused me pause.

Now why would a little thing like her have this many guns?  I picked up one of the handguns and inspected it.  Did she even know how to fire this?

Note to self: keep her away from closet while we kidnap her. I really don't feel like healing a gunshot wound at the moment.

"And?" Erik asked.

"He was a self intitled douche who looked down his nose at me. Which I couldn't do anything about because he had six men aiming their guns at me." I put the gun back and closed the drawer. On my way out of the closet I stopped and noticed how everything was sorted by type of clothing and color. She really was particular.

I turned off the light in her closet and shut the door.

Erik still sat on the bed as he looked all around the room. Probably using one of his spells to feel out the room.

"Get off the fucking bed and find a place to hide." The douche smirked as he simply cloaked himself. I glared at where he once was until I felt the uncomfortable crawling sensation of being cloaked.

Now that we were both cloaked, we simply just picked a corner of the bedroom to stand in while we waited for our target.


Let me know what you thought about this Chapter. So much more yet to come!!

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