Chapter 11

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I woke up to someone grumbling. Cold-pressed against my back as heat radiated onto my front since I laid on my side. The contrast was strange and somehow very relaxing.

Are there other people on my bed?

I slowly peeled my sleep stained eyes open. My eyes flicked to burning red hair, as I made out Eriks god-like features.

His eyes were shut and his face peaceful.

I carefully looked over my shoulder and saw Kjell laying behind me. His huge arm slung over my waist and pressing me back against his cool body.

I tried to ignore whatever the hard thing was that pressed against my thigh as I saw Bash pacing my room muttering to himself.

"Bash." I hissed quietly, trying to avoid waking the two men lying beside me.

He stopped pacing and Bash's navy blue eyes flickered to mine. He frowned at me before he resumed his perpetual pacing.

"What's wrong?" I quietly pushed Kjell's arm off of my waist and sat up.

"Nothing." Bash said refusing to look at me.

"Bash," I warned. "I know when something's up with you and something is definitely up." I made sure to keep my voice low, but the two next to me seemed to be sound asleep.

His eyes quickly flicked to the two sleeping bodies on either side of me. Suddenly it clicked.

"You're jealous." I watched as his body tensed and he paused in his pacing for a millisecond.

"I don't get jealous." Bash scoffed, acting offended.

"Bullshit." I could barely hold back my smile. "You're jealous that I slept with these two. But that's all we did was sleep. And it wasn't like I choose to have the-"

Bash cut me off as he suddenly stopped his pacing and whirled towards me. "Fine, I'm jealous! Is that what you wanted to hear?" Bash shouted. "Those two got to hold you as you slept last night." He paused as he glared at Kjell and Erik. "I'm jealous because you just slept the best you ever have in four years and I wasn't the cause. I didn't get to hold you as you slept. I didn't get to play with your hair, for real, as you fell asleep. And I didn't even sleep next to you last night." I was shocked. Never in a million years did I think Bash ever had feelings for me. So many emotions showed on his face.

"Bash I'm sor-"

He cut me off again. "The worse part is that these guys just came into your life and you've already forgotten about me." A single tear ran down his tanned face. "But what does it matter? I'm just a ghost. These guys... They're immortals, while I already lived my life." Bash paused as he collected himself. "I was so foolish to ever think that you could ever care for me as I care for you. That's my bad I suppose." Pain scrunched his whole face.

And before I could ever correct Bash, he disappeared. I swear I just felt something rip in my chest. Tears streamed freely down my face while I started at the spot that Bash had been.

The bed shifted behind me but I just stared at the spot on my carpet where Bash had ceased his pacing.

"Scarlett? Is everything alright?" Kjell's deep but sleep covered voice asked softly.

"No." I choked on a sob. "Everything is not alright."

"Do you wish to talk about it?" Erik's voice asked from my right side.

I looked at Erik then at Kjell. Both of their hair was mussed with sleep, in another time I might've thought it hot, maybe even drool a little. But not now. "I think my best friend just left me." The words barely came out on a whisper, but they must've heard me.

Erik pulled me into a hug, which I relished in the comfort he gave.

My best friend just left me because I hurt him. I hurt Bash.

What have I done?


I only allowed myself a short cry on Erik's shoulder, before I eventually got out of bed.

They both watched me cautiously as I straightened my shirt and jeans from yesterday. They've seen me cry a lot. I realized. But I ignored them.

I felt my mind start to slip into my ritual state as I found myself walking over to my east window and pulling back the blackout curtain.

The sun barely peeked over the beyond hills. Its soft orange and red colors casting the sky to look beautiful.

I took a deep breath and turned away from my window. Only to freeze. They're still in my bed. I can't make my bed if they're in my bed. How am I going to make my bed? My bed has to be made before I can go and organize my closet.

I started to shake as my mind raced.

I need to do my morning ritual.

My hands clenched and unclenched at my sides as I struggled with my internal battle.

Kjell and Erik just stared at me with confusion and curiosity.

"Is something wrong?" Erik asked a small smirk seemed to play at his lips.

"I need to make my bed." I didn't sound like me as I said that.

My bed is unmade. It's messy and disorganized. I can't do anything else until its fixed. Chaos will run the house if I don't make my bed, because then I can't continue with my morning ritual.

My body shook harder as my thoughts raced faster and panic seized at me.

"Right now? But we just-" Kjell was cut off as my bedroom door flew open.

"Get out of her bed and get your sorry asses in the living room now." I heard Oakley say, but I kept my eyes on my bed.

"Who gave you-" Erik suddenly flinched.

Whatever happened though worked as Kjell and Erik grudgingly got out of my bed.

I pounced as soon as they got up. My bed was made in record time but I spent an extra few minutes straightening it out, ensuring it was truly perfect.

I vaguely registered the three of them standing there watching me as I turned and went to my walk-in closet.

The whole time I picked my outfit and organized my closet, my mind was only on perfection and organizing.

I had barely remembered to put a robe around me as I took my dirty clothes to the laundry room. Luckily Kjell, Erik, and Oakley were nowhere to be seen.

By the time I was on the bathroom stage of my morning ritual, they all had gathered in my living room and were talking.

I put my fresh and folded clothes on the bathroom counter and got in the shower.

I scrubbed my skin raw once again, washed my face, shaved, and washed my hair. Once satisfied that I was clean, I got out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around myself.

In front of the mirror, I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, cleaned my ears and nails, and put my clothes on. Once my clothes were on, I brushed my hair.

My hair remained down as I reorganized the bathroom and finally my morning ritual was complete.

I stepped out of the bathroom and was met with five separate stares.


I groaned inwardly as I looked at the two carbon copies.

Yay, Aspen is back. I rolled my eyes and turned to the kitchen.

"Who wants breakfast?" I said as I pulled a pan out of its spot.

I would have time to shut down later. But for now I need to get past the morning. Then I could think about Bash. Then I could think through these dark thoughts that now plagued my every breath.


Thank you for reading Chapter 11! I want to warn you all that this next chapter is going to be a little dark as Scarlett has some personal demons that she is going to struggle with. Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Until next time..

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