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Still standing next to the doorframe, I knock trying to pull Regina out of it.
She jumps a bit and looks up. I smile gently at the women.

"How about we get ready? Can't be lazy all day" she winks and stands up before walking over to her closet.

I get that as a sign to walk out and get ready changed as well. I turn around and close the door behind me. Once I'm in my own room; yes, she made it mine- I look through the clothes I have. Half of them are probably hers but she doesn't even know. I just took a bit of everything I guess.
I grab a pair of grey shorts and a blue Calvin Klein crop top and throw it on.

I put my long blonde hair into a messy bun and make my next stop the bathroom next to Reginas

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I put my long blonde hair into a messy bun and make my next stop the bathroom next to Reginas.
Once I'm fully ready for another lazy day with my new favorite human being.

I walk downstairs and sit on the couch. I grab my phone and immediately get my usual morning message from my mom.

'Good Morning sweetie! How are you doing today?'

"Hey mom, same as usual. You don't have to check up on me every day. Regina is taking good care'

Yes, I refer to Regina by her name because I think, and my mom agrees hopefully agree with me on that, that Regina and I are far through the "Miss" phase.

'I know I don't have to, but you're my daughter so I do. Anyways, greet Regina from me and enjoy your day. We Love you'

I turn my phone off and just then two hands cover my sight.

„Guess who?" I hear an excited voice squeal. I chuckle and act as if I have to think. She swats my arm and moved to sit next to me. 

Just then I realize what she's wearing.
It's a light grey pair of sweatpants and a white Calvin Klein sports bra. I think she likes them. But who am I kidding? She looks hot!

I feel myself staring at her, mouth agape

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I feel myself staring at her, mouth agape. She smirks before leaning in close and seductiveness whispering in my ear.

„I see I got your attention. Let's keep it that way, dear" I'm stunned. She wants my attention? She had it all the time for crying out loud!

As Regina tries to move back into her place, I grab her by her head and crash my lips against hers. She gasps but doesn't make any effort in pulling away, so I slide my tongue over her bottom lip, asking for access. Regina being Regina teases me and declines. I groan and bite her lip which makes her opening her lips.

As our tongues collide, both of us let out a moan. Our tongues dance together but she, of course, takes control over the kiss. As we make out, I decide to test the limits and lift my hands from her head and place them just under her breasts. Her skin is warm and smooth. The brunette moans again, encouraging me to continue.

After some time we break away and I rest my forehead against hers. The both of us breath heavily. That kiss really did take my breath away.

„Wow" is everything I can day. The older women laughs slightly and nods a bit.

„Wow indeed" I pull away to look into her eyes. I caress her cheek with one hand and smile at her. She's so beautiful. But then I realize what we're doing.

„Can we talk? I think it's necessary." I hesitantly say. Regina sighs and bites her lip.
„You're right..." I cant fully place wether this is heading into a positive or negative direction. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

„Look... I like you. A lot. We kissed twice now and I don't know what that means.." I trail off and bite my lip.

„You do Know what we're doing could make me loose my job, right?" there it is. The rejection. I nod and sit up straight.

„But" she takes a breath „I think I'm willing to try."

Im pretty sure my face resembles a lightened Christmas tree by now. I may do have a chance after all.

„You are?" I squeak. She hums in response. I open my mouth to ask what this makes us, when she interrupts me.

„But the question is, are you? I mean, you and I both know how illegal this is and that we both could get into a lot of trouble if this" she motions her finger between the both of us „comes out"

„Of Course! I wouldn't throw this away for anything! I really want this" I almost plead. I never do that! 

But it's true. I'd give everything to be with her.

I look into Reginas eyes, searching for an answer. The smile that appears on her ace reaches her eyes.

„Alright. I suppose we could give it a try then" I jump up and hug her, I'll of excitement.

„Soo... does this make you my girlfriend now?" the brunette chuckles and nods that cute head of hers.



Now, I know I only just updated 2 days ago, but This chapter is written for something really important to me, so I thought I'd just update now:)

-Sofia 🌸

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