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It's been two days since the, how to call it, incident? The principal was informed of what happened and told me to stay out where I'm safe. Regina and I haven't talked about the kiss we shared. But I want and need to. I want to know what it meant to her. Or, if it meant anything at all. Because it meant something to me.

I know I promised myself to never love again. But despite what happened in my past, she makes me feel things. It's not the way I felt with him but I don't know If it's a good or negative different. When I was with Neal, I was nonstop afraid of being in his presence. I haven't felt loved nor protected. But with Regina, I know I'm understood and not alone. I wouldn't go as far as to say I feel loved, but it's the closest feeling I had.

Sighing, I slowly stand up from my bed and stretch my muscles. I look at the small clock hanging just over the doorframe. 7:34. Ever since that day, I couldn't sleep properly. Regina's probably not even awake yet. Since she wanted to take care of me, she was allowed to stay home as well, so she's most likely sleeping.

Shrugging my shoulders, I creep out the guest rooms door and head down the stairs, finding my way to the kitchen. My sense of orientation usually is really good, but her mansion indeed is something else. And finding anything is even harder when you can't see anything through the curtains being closed and the lights turned off.

Getting to the room, I turn the light on before quietly looking for all the utensils to cook the brunette a real breakfast. I have to admit, I'm definitely not the most experienced cook, but I hope I'll fix something for her. She has been nothing but an absolute sweetheart to me, and even if she's trying to keep up her act at school, I now know there's more to it.
I really want to know what happened to cause her being that way. Maybe she'll let me in and help me understand? I hope so.

After a while of cooking, I fixed some pancakes, eggs and coffee for her. It's not what eating "healthy" means to her, but I wanted to do something nice for her. Her body is the one of a goddess anyways. So, no harm done.

I put everything on a tray and turn the stove off before quietly tiptoeing upstairs and straight to the teachers bedroom. I've never been in there before and I have to admit there were moments in which I imagined scenarios playing in there, but that doesn't matter for now.

Once standing in front of her door, I balance the tray of food on one hand and slowly pull the door open.
And there she lays.

Regina Mills, peacefully sleeping in her queen sized bed. I go in and put the tray on her nightstand and crouch down so my face is on level with hers. I softly brush some of her hair out of her face and put it behind her ear. My eyes never once leaving her face. I admire all of her beautiful facades.

The way her hair naturally curls itself. The way she sometimes crunches her nose. The way her beating is steady and quiet. Her skin is perfect and smooth. I'd love to run my fingertips over them. The way the light shines right onto her face, letting her already tanned skin look almost golden, makes her look even prettier. Her lips are fascinating. I wish I could I taste them. Or line the little scar on her upper lip. How come I never noticed it before? Maybe because she hides it underneath all that unnecessary makeup. She looks stunning.

I snap out of it and go back to my original mission. I gently shake her.

"Regina" I whisper. In return I get a soft mumbling from her. I try it again. This time she stirs and actually opened her eyes. I guessed she'd freak out about me being in her room, so close to her face, but all I see is her eyes softening even more and a smile spread across her lips.

"Good Morning, sleepyhead"

"G'morning, dear" she mumbles again while stretching. I chuckle a bit because this really does look adorable.

"What time is it? Do you want some breakfast?" She slowly sits up. I smile at her and shake my head.

"Already done. Here" I hand her the tray and put it onto her lap. She looks down at it a little taken aback.

"Don't look as if you've never seen breakfast before" I joke slightly marking her look up at me.

"You did that for me?" She questions with those cute puppy eyes. I nod proudly of my work. Her smile brightens even more.

"Thank you. I haven't had anyone cooking me breakfast in bed in like... ever.." Nobody ever made her breakfast in bed?  ? I thought men would fight over her. And women of course.

"Their Loss. But now I'm here so I'll treat you liebte queen you are" I gently kiss her hand. "Now, eat up before it gets cold" I wink. She laughs a bit but nods and starts eating. I sit there just watching. It's somehow feeling good to just spend time with Her.

As she finished, she puts her tray away and thanks me again, complimenting my "skills". I bring the tray back into the kitchen and walk upstairs again.

She still sits in her bed, seeming to be lost in her thoughts. Maybe now it's time to ask her about the kiss.


Well that's a new chapter for ya guys! I hope you enjoy and are in for what's to happen next ;))
Also, I decided to update sooner because apparently my sister TaliaDavid wanted to read more 😂💜


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