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The car ride was silent. Despise what just happened, I feel comfortable. It's hard to explain. Even tho I just want to cry, I don't want Regina to see me weaker than she already knows. I also still have to call David and Mary Margaret.

Shit! I frown. What will they think? Will they look for blame in me? Since I'm the reason all that happened. What if they'll send me away? I ruined it all again!

I feel my breath go heavy and unsteady. My eyes start to tear up. Here we go again. I had several panic attacks because of these exact reasons in previous foster homes. But that time I actually felt a home. I can't get that taken away from me.

Reginas POV(short):

As I drive I can't think of anything else than what just happened. I try to distract myself from these thoughts and concentrate on driving. It works well until I hear whimpering. It soon turns into sobbing. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to look to my right side.

There sits Emma shaking and crying uncontrollably. She's having a panic attack. I react fast and let the cat stop at a sidewalk. I turn it off and take Emma into my arms.

„Shh sweetheart what's wrong?" I try to soothe while stroking the back of her head. I receive no answer so I keep going until she calms down.

Emmas POV:

Regina seems to know exactly what soothes me seeing as I start to calm down. Once I'm completely calm I realize how embarrassingly close to her I am and try to pull away. But she won't let me and instead Holds me tighter in her arms.

I have to admit,  I love the feeling it gives me. I feel protected and cared for.
I take some deep breaths before relaxing in her arms.
„I'm sorry..." i shyly mumble. „Nothing to be sorry for, my dear" she answers just as quiet. I nod and close my eyes. She seems to be sincere and I like it.

After a few more seconds she talks again: „so... do you want to talk about whatever just happened?" I hesitate because now that I think about it, I acted so childish. The older women seems to notice and quickly adds: „only if you want to; of course. I won't ever force you to talk." I nod against her chest but decide to tell her.

„Its just; and I know I'm probably being very childish here; but I was so scared about what'll happen when I tell Mary and David. They're the longest I've ever been with and I never felt closer to having an actual family since I'm with them. I guess I was too worked up over the thought of them giving me away." I shrug.

Regina pulls away and holds my both my cheeks in her palms. „Emma... That's not childish at all! It's completely understandable after what you've been through, do you understand? I would've reacted the Same way if I were you." Again I nod and whisper „Thank you". She smiles at me.

„If you ever feel like talking, I'm there, okay? I know you probably heard that exact phrase uncountably often but I promise I mean it."

„I-... Thank you, Regina." I can't get enough of saying that name.

She soon starts driving again until we arrive at her house. Well that's an understatement. It's more like a frigging Mansion!

I don't even notice my jaw hanging open before I feel fingers under my chin to close it.

„You'll catch flies, dear." I can literally hear the smirk in her voice.,

„Sorry Regina. Your house is just... wow..."

Regina laughs and gets out. I follow after her and into the house.
In the entrance The brunette hangs up her blazer and puts her heels away. As she stands up straight I realize how much taller I am. I snicker a little at the realization and she playfully glares at me.

„Don't you draw, miss swan." she points her finger at me. Both of us end up laughing.

She motions for me to also put my shoes away while she takes off my jacket.

„Thank you" she hums in response.

„Come one, lets sit in the living room and talk. How's that?" she softly asks. I nod and smile before following her.


So that's the new chapter. I'm sorry you had to wait.....

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