Hydra Demons

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Alec had already been out and exploring for some time when he rounded a corner and could see two large moving forms in the distance. He got back behind the wall and got out his stele, drawing a temporary vision rune onto his arm.

After getting used to the enhanced visual ability of his eyesight he peeked around the corner again, now able to see what was in the distance of the dark hallway. He drew the Nyx rune onto his skin every night since he was here, so seeing in the unlit corridors was not a problem.

It would have probably been easier to draw it as a permanent rune and just activate it when he started his exploring, but back in Idris, he hadn't used it often enough to add it to the runes that permanently marked his body. So he wouldn't do so now, the rune wasn't that complicated anyway.

Alec exhaled slowly. There were two Hydra demons in front of a big door. He had fought one of those before, along with Jace. Together they had been able to kill it, but there were two of those creatures and he was alone. Both demons had three heads and they were fast in their attacks.

If he had had his bow with him he might have been able to pierce the demonic core of one of the demons and then he would only have to deal with one. Though he didn't particularly want to fight them in the first place. Even if he managed to kill both of them on his own, their disappearance would draw suspicion.

Whatever was behind that door, however, must be important, or else there wouldn't be two hydra demons protecting it. Maybe if he managed to distract them he could get inside without having to use his seraph blades. The problem was that he had no idea how to go about that.

If he had at least one other hunter at his side one could cause a commotion while the others made their way inside. Hydra demons were not the most intelligent ones so probably both of them would go after an intruder.

Alec pondered whether he could try to dash past them, but that would be very risky, even if the door was unlocked. That was very unlikely though and the time he needed to draw an opening rune would be enough for them to make a snack out of him.

At least they were not intelligent enough for speech, so if he managed to get into whatever they were protecting without killing one of the demons they wouldn't be able to report anything, even if they happened to notice him and no one would get suspicious about anything.

Of course, there was the possibility that there were more demons waiting behind that door, but the only way to find out about that was to get there and for that Alec had to think of a good way to get past without getting into a fight with the hydras.

He stayed where he was, observing the demons' movements. They walked around a bit but stayed in a five-meter distance to the door. Alec discarded his previous idea, there was no way he could get to that door and inside without one of the monsters reaching him.

There was one thing he knew for sure and that was that he shouldn't head into this unprepared. The room would still be there when he eventually came up with a plan. So after watching the two demons for some more time Alec turned to go back.

It was a bit earlier than when he usually decided it was time to go to sleep, but just standing at that same spot for one more hour wouldn't benefit him in any way. Discussing this with Jace was the best thing he could do now.

-I agree that whatever is behind that door is probably important,- Jace said after Alec had told him all about what he had seen tonight and his thoughts about it -But taking on two hydra demons on your own is very dangerous. Please promise me you are not going to try and fight them head-on.-

-I don't plan on it,- he assured, understanding his brother's worries -But I have to find a way to get in there. I'll be trying to find another entrance but chances are that even if I find another door it will be guarded as well.-

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