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Alec woke up laying face down in the familiar warmth of silk sheets. He remembered Magnus bringing him here and then immediately putting him to sleep. He still felt pain all over his body, but it was considerably less than when he had come into the safety of the apartment.

He kept lying there for a couple of minutes, letting himself rest a little more. When he heard the door to the room opening he opened his eyes again, seeing Magnus walking in with a worried expression on his face.

"You're awake," his boyfriend seemed relived, making his way to the bed and sitting down to the edge. He looked rueful, as if he had done something unforgivable. "I am so sorry Alexander. It was the only way to get you out of there."

"Thank you," Alec whispered and tried to smile for Magnus. He didn't try to get up, the way it felt his injuries were only partly healed and moving would probably make it worse and hurt a lot. He smiled again when Magnus lay down next to him, turned to the side so they could properly look at each other. "What happens now?"

"I convinced my father that I could get information out of you," Magnus explained, gently letting his fingers skim trough Alec's messy hair "I managed to make him allow me to bring you here if I could prove to him that I didn't feel any sympathy for you despite the fact that we were seeing each other. So now we have to get you out of here before  he gets suspicious."

"And what about you?" Alec asked. He had been afraid of this, of having to say goodbye to Magnus. Though now it was even worse than in his imagination because his boyfriend would be in trouble when Asmodeus found out that he was gone. In very big trouble and Alec was scared for him.

"Well, I will come with you," Magnus sounded like his mind was set, like for him there was no other solution than that. Alec was caught off guard though, surprised that he would leave everything he knew behind to be with him.

He had to admit that he wanted it, he really wanted to leave this place together with Magnus, but it had always seemed so impossible, that now when Magnus offered it as a solution he still couldn't believe it.

Alec would try to get back to Idris of course, to Alicante and the Clave. Could he really come with him into the Shadowhunters' capitol? Part of the council thought warlocks could potentially become allies and if he explained that Magnus had helped him escape maybe they would tolerate him.

"How do you mean that?" he questioned further, to make sure he had understood correctly. Somehow all the pain was now forgotten, all he felt was the hope that maybe they could have a future. Of course, they couldn't be in an open relationship, but having Magnus close was more than he had ever dared to dream for.

"That I come to Idris with you," Magnus clarified, smiling one of his beautiful smiles, while still playing with Alec's hair "That I bring you to safety and maybe get to know your world, your siblings, your parabatai. I want to be with you. No matter what happens and if the Nephilim doesn't tolerate me I will find a way to fight that obstacle too."

Alec smiled and for a moment just looked at the wonderful man that was his boyfriend. How had he deserved him? He was willing to go to a country that he wouldn't be welcomed in and all just for him. He loved Magnus and he knew that Magnus loved him.

There was a determination in his eyes that astonished Alec. It made him emotional to see how set Magnus' mind was on coming with him. He had always believed something like this to be impossible and now his boyfriend proved him wrong, it was incredible.

He didn't know what to say, it was just extraordinary what Magnus was ready to do for him. Without him, he would still be down there, suffering and waiting for his own death and now he had the chance to live a life with Magnus in it.

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