Let the Guard Down

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I feel the need to warn you that some slightly gruesome imagery will be described in this chapter.

The dread must have been clear on his face, because Magnus gave him a reassuring smile "Don't worry. It is not as hard as you might think. I am experienced with portals, there's nothing you have to be afraid of."

Alec nodded, still nervous, but followed as Catarina went through the portal with the white horse. He wondered for a second how long it had taken to train the animals not to shy at the magic before he was in front of it, the swirling power almost sucking him in.

The Shadowhunter took a quick look into Magnus' direction before he stepped through, closing his eyes when the portal's surface hit his face. He felt like he was swirled around in a tornado and when his feet hit the hard ground a few seconds later he staggered, trying to stay on his feet.

Before he had his orientation back fully someone grabbed his arm, helping him to get his balance back "Are you alright?" Magnus asked, looking at him concerned, but with the hint of a smile.

Alec nodded, slightly embarrassed that even the horses seemed to have handled the portal-travel better than he had. The Warlock let go of his arm "Don't worry. It is totally normal to be a bit shaken. After all, that was your first time."

Once again the Shadowhunter just nodded and allowed himself to take in his surroundings. They seemed to be in a foothill terrain, forested hills surrounding them. Alec knew places like this from Idris, but he still couldn't stop a low "Wow," from escaping past his lips. This view was breathtaking, the clear blue sky only contributing to the beauty of the landscape.

"It is amazing isn't it?" Magnus asked, but it really was more of a statement than a question. He wasted no time with mounting the black horse he was riding and Catarina followed suit.

Alec got onto the back of the mare and the familiar feeling immediately helped him to relax, despite everything that was occupying his mind and causing him to stress about this situation "Definitely. I can see why you come here to ride."

"Cat why don't you take the lead?" Magnus suggested before he came to walk right next to Alec. Before he was able to ask the question the Warlock answered it for him "Don't worry, they know each other. But they sometimes like to race each other and get very excited about it. Can you hold yourself if that happens?"

Alec nodded, not able to repress his smile, he missed the unique feeling of gallop, the wind in his face and the sound of hooves on steady ground, it was when he really felt free as if all his worries where nonexistent while he was on the back of a horse.

He quickly turned his face away as he realized how much emotion he was displaying. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes a second before looking at Magnus again. He knew coming with them had been a bad idea. Doing something he really loved with the two warlocks would mean bonding with them and he didn't want that.

The Warlock next to him had a studying expression on his face, which quickly changed back to a smile when he saw that Alec was looking at him again. The dread that had been pushed back by the anticipation came rushing back. He hoped that Magnus took all his weird behavior as pudency.

Alec removed his gaze from the handsome Warlock next to him and looked at the landscape surrounding them. They were following a trail through the woods. It was truly beautiful and peaceful. The nice chill that forests had to them surrounding the three of them.

They were walking in silence for a while and the Shadowhunter was torn between trying to relax and worrying. The first was more preferable of course, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad would happen if he wasn't prepared for any conversation or situation that might occur.

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