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Trying to get the dark thoughts out of his head he went over to where Magnus was and came to stand beside him. "Thanks for helping," he started, eager to get distracted with a nice conversation "Without you, I would probably still be out in the rain right now."

Magnus turned to him smiling and before Alec knew it the Warlock snapped his fingers and everything was dry, he didn't feel one drop of water on himself. The man before him looked the same way he had before the rain had started, his hair was once again spiked up in an impressive way.

"You're welcome," Magnus said, closing the gate of the stables with his magic, "What do you say I help you finish whatever you need to do and then portal us both back into the palace? I wouldn't want you to catch a cold with having to walk through the storm."

Alec looked at him, considering the offer. Shadowhunters had pretty good immune systems and even if he got sick, most of the time an iratze was all he needed, but Magnus' genuine worry warmed his heart and if he was being honest with himself he really liked the prospect of spending more time with him.

He still felt conflicted, his thoughts from earlier hadn't left his mind completely. He was playing with fire and if he went on into this direction he was bound to get burned. His heart told him that he should use every second he could to spend with this wonderful man, while his head told him that he was already in too deep and should retreat, keep the damage to a minimum.

"That would be really nice, but you don't have to help me. I will be fine on my own," he just couldn't find it in himself to reject Magnus, he was looking at him so hopeful. He knew he couldn't deal with the disappointment he would see in his eyes.

Starting with the work he decided he had to stop thinking about this so much. He should try to live in the moment, just for a little while. Who knew how long this was going to last? He was determined to at least try and enjoy Magnus' company as long as he could. Before everything went down in flames.

Maybe he should voice his concerns to Magnus? No, he couldn't tell him more about what he was doing. Even though he trusted him for some inexplicable reason there was no guaranty that he would still keep Alec's secret if he knew the whole truth.

Alec sighed frustrated, so much to enjoy the moment. Who was he kidding? He was prone to overthinking things and he wasn't able to stop himself from doing it. Not even his siblings had ever been able to stop him from worrying too much about everything.

"What are you frowning about?" Magnus appeared next to him, his mere presence already making Alec feel better. He shouldn't be reacting to the Warlock like this, his emotions should be remaining neutral at best.

"Nothing you need to worry about," he answered, realizing that they were done with the tasks at hand "I am just thinking. I'd rather not talk about it actually." He smiled to erase the tension he feared might be building between them.

Magnus looked at him rather skeptically, but luckily didn't insist on pressing the matter further "As you wish. I prefer to see that adorable smile on your face anyway. Since we're done here are you ready to portal back? I can take you to your room or you can come along to my apartment and we can talk some more."

Alec felt his cheeks warming up at the comment and the prospect of spending more time with Magnus. He knew it was probably a mistake to follow his emotions, but somehow he just wanted this right now and he couldn't resist doing what would make him smile. "I would love to come along to your apartment if you want that too."

The wide smile that split Magnus' face made Alec feel warm inside. He felt the urge to reach up and caress the smooth skin and move closer with his own face. He quickly looked away, he couldn't be thinking like this.

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