Central Park

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They made their way through the busy city streets. Alec found himself being more anticipating than nervous about all this. No matter how crazy it was, maybe he should accept it and stop trying to fight his emotions so much. Just allow himself to feel.

He wasn't even sure how he was supposed to feel anymore. He knew that he wasn't acting on impulses, that he was in control of what he was doing. Nevertheless, his parents' words rang in his mind 'Emotions are nothing but a distraction' and 'Emotions cloud judgment'. He had always followed that when he was in the field and until now it had never been a problem.

This was different. Technically he was on a mission and having free time at the same time. And even with angel blood in his veins, he was only human. He had known that he wouldn't be able to turn himself emotionless during all his time here. But he hadn't expected it to be like this.

And despite the fact that he was able to relax in the presence of Magnus now, he was still aware of what this meant. His emotions were already clouding his judgment. He saw the Warlock in an extremely positive light and no matter what he told himself he wasn't able to stop himself. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted from what he needed to do.

"Welcome to Central Park." Alec was thankful for Magnus bringing him out of his thoughts and looked ahead. They were about to enter the welcoming nature that was a stark contrast to the tall gray buildings they had passed on their way here.

As they stepped through the entrance he felt that the atmosphere was changing. He could still hear the traffic behind him, but the park seemed to have a different aura to it, one that welcomed to relax and enjoy the wonders of nature instead of stressing through the streets.

He turned to Magnus and found himself smiling slightly. Whenever he saw him he felt the urge to smile, he couldn't explain why but it was like that. He only knew this feeling when he was around his siblings and with them, he was actually able to understand it. He loved his siblings more than anything, they were his most favorite people. But why did Magnus have this effect on him?

"It's nice," he said, not sure what the Warlock expected from him or if he even expected anything at all. He felt like he should say something more charming, something that would make Magnus like him. He wondered why he would even want that, but lately, his emotions remained undecipherable. "Do you come here often?"

Magnus shook his head and his expression remained casual "No, not really. If I want to be in nature I just portal to the countryside. But I know a good restaurant around here and I thought since you are pretty new here you'd like to get a feel of the city."

"That is really thoughtful," Alec said, surprised that Magnus had put so much thought into this. Once again he asked himself why the Warlock had so much interest in him. He could have told himself that it was because he was a Shadowhunter, but that didn't add up with the fact that Magnus had wanted to get to know him before he had known that.

Alec tensed up for a second when he saw purple sparks fly into the air somewhere on the lawn. He relaxed when he saw that the magic turned into glittering butterflies for a few seconds before they faded away again. He found himself smiling as he relaxed again and reminded himself that here magic was somewhat normal.

The girl laughed and two other children were trying to catch the butterflies, making them disappear into a small glittering firework when they were touched. He had never seen magic being used like this, for joy. It was fascinating to see the sparks of magic lighting up and producing something other than spells that were meant to harm him or his fellow shadowhunters, or portals.

He hadn't noticed that he had stopped walking to watch the three children play until Magnus got his attention back when he started talking, a smile on his face "That look on your face is the most unguarded I have seen on you yet. You like children don't you?"

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