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Edom wasn't as different from Idris as Alec had expected. He had thought magic would be more prominent in everyday life. As soon as they had reached the border everyone but Marisol Garza, a mundane, had turned around and left them to make their way through the country alone, to get to their destination.

Alec touched his neck once more, smooth, clean skin being where the block rune had been about a week ago. Removing it had hurt less than the Shadowhunter had feared it to, but it still made him feel weird. He was glad that all the other runes on his body could be covered up with long-sleeved shirts.

"That makes you seem awfully nervous," his travel companion commented. In Alec's oppinion Marisol was very annoying, but at the same time, he was glad that she was here. He could have moved through the countryside and streets perfectly fine without her help, but she was the last person familiar to home he would see for some time.

Mundane life in this country was familiar to the way it was back home, with all the modern technologies he knew. In a way, it made sense, warlocks and demons were a minority, just like the Nephilim, so of course, normal people didn't rely on magic. It made Alec relax, he didn't have to adjust his behavior so much. 

He wondered what the mundanes relationship with their government was here. In Idris, most people were glad that the Shadowhunters did the fighting and they could go on with their everyday life, but some, like Marisol, trained to Ascend and become Nephilim.

Even though he had tried to find out as much as possible about Edom, information wasn't that easy to obtain, Shadowhunters and Lilith's children weren't really on speaking terms. Well, if they were he wouldn't be here in the first place.

The palace they approached stood out violently against the otherwise modern architecture. It reminded Alec of the french Versailles and maybe it was even as large. They stopped in sight distance from the side entrance Alec was heading towards. If he stepped through that gate there was truly no going back.

"Good luck," Marisol now said, the mocking tone she had had through their entire journey replaced by sincerity. Alec gave her a slight smile and thanks. He ran through his imaginary backstory in his head. He was just a usual mundane, here to get a job and earn money. Easy enough.

Turning away from the last familiar face, he made his way to the gate and down the short narrow path that led to a rather small building that was attached to the larger complex of the palace. The door was open and he stepped in, knocking at the wood before looking around.

There was some kind of waiting room, which was already filled with three other people, obviously mundanes. Alec sat down beside them, putting the suitcase he had with him under the seat. He thought about what he would do if he didn't get a job here. He needed to be in that palace, at night.

The first mundane, a slim woman was asked to come into an attached room. Alec immediately recognized the person, who had poked his head out, when calling for her, as a vampire and tensed up. He had hoped for a mundane, who if he was lucky didn't even really know a whole lot about Shadowhunters.

He told himself to relax, if all went well he would see a lot more Downworlders in the next time. It was unusual for a vampire to be here though, sure the Children of the Night were allied with Lilith's children, but that didn't mean that they employed them. Or maybe they did, Alec couldn't really be sure.

Time went by fast and soon enough the brown-haired vampire asked him to come in. Alec stood up, once again telling himself to relax, this was nothing Alexander Wood, a mundane in search for a job couldn't handle. Right?

"Please sit down," the vampire gestured to a seat in front of his desk, acting very outgoing, vastly different than all the vampires Alec had encountered in his life. Well most of them had tried to kill him so he hadn't really had the chance to get social with them "My name is Simon Lewis. I'm sure we're going to find some job for you here."

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