Three Little Words

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Alec was sitting at the floor of the archives the third night in a row, looking through what felt like the hundredth book about greater demons. There was a lot of interesting information to be found, but Alec knew his search would never end if he stopped to read everything, that caught his eye, properly.

After two days of pondering how to get past the hydra demons, Jace had told him about a certain spice that was said to drive them crazy. Putting a small amount of that spice in a bundle of rags was enough to keep the two demons occupied long enough for Alec to pass through.

Getting out was a bit more complicated, but cracking open the door and throwing the bundle with spice outside proofed effective. Besides the fact that the Mundane in the little spice shop probably thought he was obsessed or something, everything was working out perfectly.

Magnus had kept his promise not to ask him to stay, but Alec thought about doing it again. It had been an amazing feeling to wake up next to Magnus' warm body, feeling completely safe and content, just for a few minutes.

Alec hadn't told him about his feelings yet, but with every day that passed, he was more sure about them. His mind wandered to how he could confess his love for Magnus. If he should prepare something romantic or just be straight forward about it.

He shook his head and sighed frustrated, going back a few pages when he realized that he hadn't paid any attention to the content at all. He hadn't missed anything, the pages just told something about how Azazel had defeated Agramon in a fight for power about a hundred years ago.

Eventually, Alec returned to his room without having found something helpful. Lying in bed he thought about how to tell Magnus about his feelings again. Unfortunately, he fell asleep before coming up with a satisfying way.

Alec woke up later than usual. Today was his day off and he knew that he would spend it with Magnus, like all the free time that he had. Even though they didn't do new things every day it never got boring, spending time with that wonderful man was always bringing him joy.

After getting ready and having some breakfast he made his way to the stables. Magnus and he had agreed to meet there since they were planning to go on a ride somewhere Alec still had no idea about. It was always like that when they portaled somewhere.

But he didn't need to know where they were going, he trusted Magnus and that was enough to follow him to the unexpected. In the beginning, it had unsettled him, that he couldn't plan ahead of time, but the more trust he put in Magnus, the more comfortable he felt with it.

Occasionally dark thoughts about the future clouded his mind, but it was easy to cast them out when he had his wonderful boyfriend at his side. Even Jace had stopped voicing his concerns about the situation, now everything just seemed to fall in place.

Alec didn't even have to wait half an hour for Magnus to show up. There was no one around, so they could have very well greeted each other with a kiss, but Alec insisted they kept acting discretely.

"You know I had a dream last night," Magnus started talking when the two of them were preparing their horses "About the world how it was before the war started. I am too young to have seen it, but in my dream, the world was a very peaceful and harmonic place."

Alec smiled, he loved to listen to that beautiful voice, no matter what Magnus was talking about, it sounded interesting to him. So he kept listening, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere between them.

"There were no demons though," Magnus went on and kept describing his dream about a life in which he and Alec wouldn't have to hide their relationship. In which everything seemed so much easier than in reality.

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